Latest Restaurant Reviews
1178 Food Corner
jazz posted 190 Reviews不过一个小时后,这里就全满了,而且全部都是预约的. 之后看到有几班人马直接上门的,都一一失望而归,因为真的没位子了 不过有一些比较迟来的,刚巧遇上一些吃完离开了,自然就有位子坐了
Gertak Sanggul Fishing Store
This restaurant actually is a fishing store with a small dining area beside it which caters for those customers came for fishing. You can get fresh seafood around Gertak Sanggul area as it's just next to the sea.
enqvist posted 222 ReviewsNot only the seafood is awesome here but view also breathtaking, you can spend sometime to walk around the beach before dinner.
Hobby N Coffee Cafe
Best Italian Coffee in Malaysia, play European Board Games for free, free sewing machine usage.
vkeong posted 879 ReviewsHobby N Coffee could very well be the perfect place for enthusiastic board and card game players to hangout alongside a cuppa while nibbling over light snacks.
Farquhar Mansion
posted 997 ReviewsFarquhar Mansion is a contemporary fine dine restaurant inspired by the famed French haute cuisine.
Lebuh Clarke Koay Teow Th'ng
jazz posted 190 Reviews这里最特别的就是有鸡血还有猪脚筋丸
San Patisserie 珊珊法式手作甜品屋
CurryFishHead posted 128 Reviews店里的摆设没有高级餐厅的拘束,而是偏向有点日式杂货的感觉,有很多小小的细节让你去发现
Restoran Capitol Satay
The boss will give you a FREE big prawns whenever you eat up to a certain quantity on the table. Not so sure whether still got or not. The last round I went was 2 years back.
liyenz posted 52 ReviewsThick, original and authentic satay sauce. Although, it is pricey and long hours of queuing, it is still satisfying.
Bookmark Coffee 花田小铺
summerkid posted 568 ReviewsAside from being a bit hot due to the half opened area, there is literally no complains about this cafe. Cozy ambience, friendly service, great coffee, reasonably priced food. One of the must-visit coffee place!
Love A Loaf Bakery Cafe
jazz posted 190 Reviews其实很多人都会认为Love A Loaf的面包定价比较高但是数次拜访之后, 我发觉其实价钱并没有无法负担的高,而且和其他连锁面包店如Bread History, 两者的价钱几乎差不多,但味道方面Love A Loaf却略胜几筹
F.I.P Lounge
WillyWah posted 203 Reviews这些让人垂涎三尺的蛋糕怎么能叫人抵挡得住?啊!这回可真的是吃到够吃到饱咯!蛋糕的味道和品质我可不必多说,你肯定会爱上它们!
The Haven Harbour Cafe
mytold posted 60 ReviewsIt's a great place for gathering although upstairs there's abit of an echo so everyone can hear everyone.
Espressamente ILLY
Nice ambiance, free wi-fi and convenience - yes but definitely not gourmet coffee.
ojsiew posted 633 ReviewsI personally like the ambience @ Espressamente Illy, as it gives you peace!
Din Tai Fung 鼎泰豐
Din Tai Fung is a popular, award-winning chain restaurant, originating from Taiwan.
renaelyng posted 76 ReviewsDTF’s dishes continue to meet expectations, though not all dishes reviewed are enjoyable. But at least 80% made the cut.
Leong Kee
WillyWah posted 203 Reviews星期天的早上,如果觉得无所事事的话,不妨带家人来这里吃一吃点心,顺便品尝他们的杰作 — 流沙包和黑芝麻包,相信你一定会喜欢!
Marhaba Yemeni Cuisine Restaurant Sunway
Puja G posted 10 ReviewsSuperbThis middle eastern restaurant has really wonderful dishes. About 8 to 10 Vege options among all the lambs, chicken and seafood. Great Taste!