Malaysia Most Wanted is a restaurant review web app, to discover good restaurants and share gastronomic adventure with friends. It helps passionate foodies to share findings, reviews and photos.
You can
Search (find a specific restaurant or dish).
Discover (browsing by cuisine or location, find what's near you using a map, use our top 10 listing or top romantic places, follow a food guide which suits your personal taste, select a place based on it's delicious-looking photos).
Share (writing reviews about your favorite restaurants, or snapping photos of your highly recommended dishes or share your list of personal favourites).
270,000 people use Malaysia Most Wanted to discover makan (eating) places every month,
with 8000+ restaurants listed complete with 85,000+ photo and 20,000+ reviews.
Malaysia Most Wanted started off 6 years ago as a hobby project: building a property portal to introduce new property launches and keep track of historical property asking price. The idea of food portal was conceived and launched about 4 years ago, due to the founder's need to find romantic places for dating (which earn him a wife). The food idea took off really well (thanks to the support of food blogger community), and became the most popular online food guide in Malaysia within 2 years.
Malaysia Most Wanted's original idea was to become the portal of the "most wanted things for Malaysia", supported by the community (the users would contribute these information). So we continue to launch various new sites such as event, map and price checker (for grocery).
In 2012, Malaysia Most Wanted decide to focus on Restaurant Review (a Cari Makan web app), and plan to pivot towards creating a Social App for Food (to build a community of passionate foodies to share food recommendations with each other, knowing what your friends like to eat and vice versa). Besides looking for good food, you could follow your favorite food guide (a food blogger or a friend), and get notified of their latest gastronomic adventure. You could easily plot a food trail of all the places you have eaten before, and show off the 1000 restaurants you have visited and the 100 different type of nasi lemak you have eaten to your friends.
We believe that food is a social experience: no one likes to eat alone; when we found great food, we want to share with our friends and family.
in 2014, Malaysia Most Wanted is all about food and restaurant reviews, letting foodies flaunt their gastronomic adventures and share their favourites with others.