Recommended Restaurants in George Town, Penang – Editor's Pick, based on foodies' reviews
Farquhar Mansion
posted 997 ReviewsFarquhar Mansion is a contemporary fine dine restaurant inspired by the famed French haute cuisine.
Naughty Nuri’s Warung
posted willywah.netNaughty Nuri’s 的装潢很游客式,就是一般会在游客区看见的餐厅装潢,刚好我们位子是在走廊旁,而围墙种了嫩绿的植物,延续了在巴厘游客区的酒吧设计,顿时仿如渡假的感觉。由于当天下雨,在昏黄灯光下,望着那一丝丝的小雨,格外有情调。
三禾轩 Pavillion Coffee
sunflower posted 280 Reviews向日葵喜欢这里的用餐环境,因为很有味道,而且很轻松。
Rustic Heritage Cafe
applefish posted 192 Reviews说好要结账,那亲切的服务生还为我们添(白开)水了再去结账,我们也没说要添水,但这小小的动作让我们觉得很窝心。
Zest Bar & Cafe
noweating posted 370 ReviewsAs a whole, Zest Bar Cafe provides authentic Thai cuisine hardly found in Penang hotels.
Khoon Pastry House
WillyWah posted 203 Reviews其实,原本这里并没有卖海南菜,只是以蛋糕为主。
Macallum Connoisseurs
sunflower posted 280 Reviews个人对它的印象很不错,空间宽敞,环境也很舒适, 一些座位还提供插头让你慢慢地利用电脑上网读书办公等等,很贴心。
You Le Yuen
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsThe star dish of the day, an Otak-Otak inspired dish- Steamed Coconut Fish; received the unanimous votes as the best dish of the day.
Bao Zhou Po Claypot Porridge 煲粥婆养生沙煲粥
lingzie posted 195 ReviewsThe Fried Porridge at this place is another must try. I was pleasantly surprised with the depth of flavour in this dish and the ‘wok hei’ it possessed.
Burmah 108
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsIt could be one of the best Nasi Ulams that I have ever had.
Kebaya, Seven Terraces
WillyWah posted 203 Reviews如果你问我值得吗?以环境、气氛、美食的素质来说,我觉得值得。当然,偶尔一次的奢侈也只是为了满足自己的口腹之欲,慰劳一下自己。我们在星期日去的时候相当多人,最好先打个电话预约。
Mohd Raffe Restaurant
wackybecky posted 545 ReviewsThere are many good, decent, subpar outlets in Penang but my recommendation would always be to go to Raffe’s.
Nona Bali Restaurant
WillyWah posted 203 Reviews据我所知,这是第一个也是唯一提供正宗的巴厘岛美食的餐厅。合伙人Peter和Sudiarta着重健康的,新鲜的材料。此外,他们也是用Halal的材料,方便每一个种族和宗教的食客有机会享用。
Guo Xiang Fu Steamboat 锅香府特色火锅
enqvist posted 222 ReviewsTheir signature Steamboat is 海龙王 which is porridge steamboat. It came with prawn, scallop, mushroom and egg. The porridge soup itself already very delicious, it so delicious that we keep eating the porridge and forgot to put in our steamboat ingredients.
Loke Thye Kee 樂台居
A truly iconic building built circa 1929 and located right in the heart of George Town.