Latest Restaurant Reviews
The Cruises Steak House
noweating posted 370 ReviewsOverall, we are pretty happy with the set lunch at The Cruises Steak House. The food is pretty reasonable and not oily.
Bmon Cafe
Pohkemon posted 197 ReviewsBMON located at The Strand, The reason I am here is the comic concept they use for the interior. As a cartoon, comic or cuties lover, this is a must visit.
Farquhar Mansion
posted 997 ReviewsFarquhar Mansion is a contemporary fine dine restaurant inspired by the famed French haute cuisine.
Seri Banjar Ikan Bakar
vkeong posted 879 ReviewsSeri Banjar Ikan Bakar located at the Medan Selera MPS is one of places where you could find some best of the both worlds under one roof.
The Front Door
Sherlyn Lee posted 15 ReviewsExceptionalAtmosphere,food and location are superb. A best place to let you enjoy a coffee or two while chit-chatting with others. An arising cafe in the town!
Kochabi Taiwanese Delights
jazz posted 190 Reviews个人觉得古早味锅加锅如果在其他广场营业的话,生意应该会相当不错的 除了概念很好,套餐价钱也相当合理,味道也非常大众化,实在值得推荐的 不过希望大家不会被我们这种鬼马照片给吓得吃不下,哈哈~
Old Tricycle-The Original Charcoal BBQ Yong Tau Fo
pamela_ybc posted 997 ReviewsAccompanied your Yong Tau Foo with the velvety smooth texture Chee Cheong Fun.
Donald & Lily Restaurant
pamela_ybc posted 997 ReviewsDonald & Lily in Malacca had been famed for its delicious temptations of their nyonya delights.
Enorme Italian Restaurant
vkeong posted 879 ReviewsAll in all, Enorme is a cozy and spacious restaurant that’s worth visiting just for the wood-fired pizzas alone. Price wise it’s inexpensive and affordable enough to be a daily lunch joint.
The Press Room Bistro
The Press Room, is an interpretation of a vintage European brasserie. The emphasis is on simple Anglo-French brasserie food made from the finest ingredients, served in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to satisfy the demands of today's discerning clientele.
missyblurkit posted 266 ReviewsBreakfast like a Queen? Indeed I did and I loved every bite of it. Breakfast even gets better these days with 20% discount off my food items when I make my reservations for The Press Room Bistro via from Monday to Friday.
Kumamono Bear Paw Bun
jazz posted 190 Reviews当天我试了香脆鸡肉饼(Karage Crispy Chicken),鸡肉相当香脆 而且鸡肉面粉部分不会太厚,鸡肉也很厚并充满肉汁,并加入了生菜和番茄片才不会太腻 话说熊手包使用高筋面粉,蒸之后相当的松软而且也不会有馒头碎掉下来 不过个人觉得牛奶口味馒头稍甜,不太适合加入微甜的塔塔酱,建议芝士酱
Strangers at Forty 7
Anfieldyee posted anfieldyee.blogspot.comSuperbWhat makes Strangers so special is their crepe dish. Usually a fine dining cafe offers those western ingredients (eggs, hams/bacon, sausage, salad, sandwiches, spaghetti etc) but you get crepe here. When you think of crepe, probably what comes into your mind is breakfast or lunch. But not in Strangers, you could have it during dinner! The crepe alone can make you unreasonably full feeling.
Goh Siong Tee (GST) Seafood Supplies
applefish posted 192 Reviews第一次尝试三文鱼与鱼卵的蒸蛋,三文鱼很新鲜,加上蛋香味,成功争夺我们的目光和味蕾呀!
Downtown Art Heritage Cafe
lingzie posted 195 ReviewsOverall I would say that the dishes at Downtown Art Heritage was impressive. I would definitely be returning soon for more.
Serving great coffee and gourmet loose tea leaves. Not to forget, the food - spaghetti, lasagne, muffin, cake and etc.
ojsiew posted 633 ReviewsFound that the cafe is quite cosy.