Chinese Restaurants in Bayan Lepas, Penang – 93 Restaurants
Kumamono Bear Paw Bun
当天我试了香脆鸡肉饼(Karage Crispy Chicken),鸡肉相当香脆 而且鸡肉面粉部分不会太厚,鸡肉也很厚并充满肉汁,并加入了生菜和番茄片才不会太腻 话说熊手包使用高筋面粉,蒸之后相当的松软而且也不会有馒头碎掉下来 不过个人觉得牛奶口味馒头稍甜,不太适合加入微甜的塔塔酱,建议芝士酱
jazz posted 10 years ago 190 Reviews
JJ Fish Head Noodle 家家鱼头米粉专卖店
After trying a few of dishes of theirs, we thought they were indifferent to those hawker stalls selling Fish Head Noodles in the neighborhood and a trip dedicated to the place is unnecessary.
Kenhuntsfood posted 9 years ago 780 Reviews
Golden Phoenix Restaurant
这里的点心是以现点现准备的semi Buffet呈现。点心menu里的选择有二十八样。
sunflower posted 10 years ago 280 Reviews
Hotel Equatorial Penang
The flower crabs are stir-fried with sweet and spicy sauce right before the buffet started to ensure the freshness and juiciness of the food.
noweating posted 10 years ago 370 Reviews
Xiang Yun Vegetarian Hut
posted 9 years ago lionkingsays.blogspot.com香云素食坊的食材全都是使用来自天然黄豆渣的豆纤维,色香味都完胜传统素料所使用的面筋。加上店家坚持的少油、低盐的烹煮方式,让顾客们吃得更健康,更安心。健康创意素食+餐厅式的享受+大排档的价格,非常适合小狮这种薪水低微但却又想享受健康美食的上班族。
一棵树 Vegetarian Kitchen
Prices are fair considering the variety and options available; if you have a Western palate, they have a few Pasta dishes available but if you are an Eastern person, Rice and home-made Noodles are there too. A decent place to assuage your guilt for eating too much meat.
Kenhuntsfood posted 9 years ago 780 Reviews
1178 Food Corner
不过一个小时后,这里就全满了,而且全部都是预约的. 之后看到有几班人马直接上门的,都一一失望而归,因为真的没位子了 不过有一些比较迟来的,刚巧遇上一些吃完离开了,自然就有位子坐了
jazz posted 10 years ago 190 Reviews
Sweet-i Tong Sui House
posted 10 years ago 34 ReviewsWhen I first entered their house, I was swamped by the types of dessert they are offering. Every wall glued with menus and even hanging on top of their counter like bunting flags, without duplication if you wonder. It took me a while to decide which to order by standing there like a kid.... Due to the long shape design of the house, with the large crowd that times, patrons basically blocking the entrance of the house. No worries, their service are very attentive and efficient. We like the healthy concept that they are practising, very healthy and less sweetened. If you are yearning for something salty than sweet, there are herbs soup for you too. read more
特味面食馆 Te Wei Noodle Restaurant
applefish posted 10 years ago 192 Reviews
Batu Maung Seafood Restaurant
This restaurant has a splendid view of the rolling gentle sea with many fishing vessels which brings a sense of calmness to the mind.
Four Seasons Tea House 四季亭小食館
"Wat Dan Hor" is the one highly recommended.
I Mum Mum Pan Mee
Overall, if you are looking for a good quality of Pan Mee and don’t mind of little wait time, try I Mum Mum.
noweating posted 10 years ago 370 Reviews
The Grass
The Grass still serves fresh Grass Jelly using the traditional ways. Herbs will be boiled for more than 8 hours to fully extract the essence of the Herbs but it has more than that to offer (Grass Jelly), the menu covers an extensive list which includes beverage.
Kenhuntsfood posted 9 years ago 780 Reviews
旅人 Journey2Life
Not only specializes in serving vegetarian food, the restaurant looks into healthy vegetarian food as well.
Kenhuntsfood posted 10 years ago 780 Reviews
i Eat Restoran
The restaurant does not only serve ordinary Zhu Char styled dishes but they specialize in serving halal Hainanese-Nyonya dishes.
Kenhuntsfood posted 10 years ago 780 Reviews