Restaurants in Gelugor @ Penang – 46 Restaurants
Happy Cafe Hokkien Prawn Mee
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsOne particular humble and unassuming stall selling by the bustling main road of Sungai Dua, has been well-received by the nearby residents.
Frank Laurent Coffee Roasters
jazz posted 190 Reviews友人说这里的咖啡豆都是自家烘焙的来到店里还真的发现里边有一台烘焙机. 很佩服这么一家小店竟然雄心壮志烘焙自家咖啡豆. 这是相当不容易,因为考量成本和使用量,目前市场上没有多少咖啡馆会自家烘焙咖啡豆,毕竟一家咖啡馆要投资一台Semi咖啡机已经不容易,再投资烘焙机,看来店家对咖啡豆很讲究
Will Western Delight
applefish posted 192 ReviewsWill Western Delight的老板-William打从17岁开始就在酒店厨房工作,随后还远赴英国、新加坡、越南等国家学拜师艺和工作,无论是中式或西式的餐点,都难不倒Wiliam。
Sea Palace (海外天)
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsNoodle-lovers will definitely find it hard to stop at one bite- perfectly cooked noodles reasonably seasoned with a touch of Parsley, resilient and fresh Shrimps sans the undesired greasiness. A perfect dish to fill the tummy.
Wang Chao 旺朝
jazz posted 190 Reviews最终我们两人一共吃了RM29.30包含两杯水和一碟花生花生要RM2.50/碟咧应该可以退掉的~
Goku Sen 极鲜
jazz posted 190 Reviews这道角煮Kakuni,就相当不错是一道使用五花三层肉做成的料理. 角煮是九州的乡土料理也是萨摩肉料理的代表之一有点类似东玻肉口感相当好软嫩而且不会柴柴的
草原咖啡室 O & N Coffee Shop
sunflower posted 280 Reviews这个地方已成了我工作之前常停留的早餐地点之一了。

Xiang Yun Vegetarian Hut (香云素食坊)
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsDespite their menu is simple and may have limited choices for some, but the restaurant deserves more recognition for promoting healthy diet at very affordable prices.
Tao Cuisine Japanese Restaurant
Madam Soon
konshoe posted 13 ReviewsSuperbWhen I entered the joint, I find the deco very familiar, and the blackboard facing the entrance told me why. Even the sign at the entrance showed me why the joint looked exceptionally familiar to me. If you were a frequent visitor to E-Gate, then you may recall a cafe in the past known as The Spring. Madam Soon was, as was stated on the sign at the entrance, a new concept of The Spring, although how it was a new concept was beyond me. The drinks off Madam Soon's menu are the usual variety you get off any other similar cafés, but I do note a few unusual ones. I asked for Blueberry and Lime Crush, which texture resembles ice blend a lot, and is quite sweet. The taste of blueberry is obvious but I did not get any taste of lime; still this is a cooling beverage to satisfy my sweet tooth. If you are not tolerant to sweet stuff, then you can always order something more healthy, like soya milk. Desserts are up for order as well, and there are a variety of them in the menu, which mainly consists of Chinese desserts. My friends got themselves some Peanut Paste, and it really is a paste... The dessert is too thick and viscous, and resembles peanut butter more than dessert. I loved the Braised Garlic Pork Ribs which I ordered for myself. The taste of garlic was mild, but the dish was braised until the pork was soft and chewy, soaking up the sauce and retaining it within. The ribs came with lean and fat portions both, and I enjoyed both parts equally.
Tsuruya Japanese Restaurant @ Egate
blogalicious posted 34 ReviewsSuperbPungently spicy soup has satisfied me this spicy lover
Miss Saigon
Ms. Saigon served a wide variety of salad from mango salad, papaya salad, Ms. Saigon Salad, glass noodle salad to jellyfish salad. Most of their salad taste more to sourly side which is appetizing. There are summer rolls, exotic side, salad, rice noodles and vietnamese sandwiches.
noweating posted 370 ReviewsI will pay the restaurant another visit for other dishes.
Sulaiman Chapati & Roti Jala
wackybecky posted 545 ReviewsRemember, keep Sulaiman Chapati in your Penang to- eat- list the next time you’re in my hometown!