Nyonya Restaurants in Penang – 29 Restaurants
The Little Nyonya Cuisine
Pas De Nom posted chillout-soulout-freakout.blogspot.com 471 ReviewsOverall: 3/5 - The grilled this mutton skewer very very well. I am very impressed that I do not have to find a satay hawker stall for a delicious satay. The most important thing is the satay sauce which is rich with peanut fragrance and it is not too spicy for a person like me to enjoy.

Hot Bowl Nyonya Delights
sherenetan8 postedBadordered 2 bowls of curry mee to b shared among three ppl. The owner refused to give an empty bowl. Just culdnt blieve his rude behavior. Hey there r plenty of other curry mee stalls in penang
Kota Dine & Coffee
noweating posted www.noweating.com 370 ReviewsOverall, KOTA is an ideal place for a quality coffee time and relaxation under the hot sun (or raining day) thanks to its cozy environment.
Kebaya, Seven Terraces
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews如果你问我值得吗?以环境、气氛、美食的素质来说,我觉得值得。当然,偶尔一次的奢侈也只是为了满足自己的口腹之欲,慰劳一下自己。我们在星期日去的时候相当多人,最好先打个电话预约。
Penang Nyonya Kuih Moh Teng Pheow
This place supply of sweet and savory Nyonya Kuih and snacks. The owner, Mr Mook and his family has been making the Nyonya Kuihs and supplying them to kuih peddlers for many years in Penang but nowadays they just cater to the hotels and directly walk-in customers.
mimid3vils posted www.choiyen.com 419 ReviewsThe Nyonya kuih definitely a highlight here, together with the vintage vibe make it good place for a localize afternoon tea combination.
Hot Bowl Nyonya Delights
posted mylovelybluesky.com我超爱辣椒酱带出来香料美味,可是这次我下手太重,放了3汤匙辣椒酱,结果辣到自己。本来放2汤匙的时候,我们两人觉得不够辣,再多一汤匙下去就过多了,辣椒酱上的香料很多,所以吃的时候可以感受到香料香味扑鼻,只要不要太过辣,你就会享受到白咖喱面的美味。这是有别于一般“咖喱面”的吃法白咖喱面。如果你爱上辣椒酱的话,你也可以买一罐回去。
Hai Nan Town
Hai Nan Town was indeed a great place for entertaining friends and guest.
taufulou posted www.taufulou.com 674 ReviewsMy family enjoy the meal here. . . and ambiance is nice especially for family meal and this restaurant is a Halal Restaurant.
The Little Nyonya Cuisine
“The Little Nyonya”, which was credited with raising public interest in the traditional Baba-Nyonya delights. Being that, “The Little Nyonya” did not fare quite well on its Nyonya Cuisine.
pamela_ybc posted www.malaysianfoodie.com 997 ReviewsThe pandan chicken comes decentltly good with the tender juicy chicken meat in it. Each mouthful of the pandan chicken is sinfully delicious and flavourful.
Nyonya House
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews这家餐厅给我的感觉:不值得,也不够专业。除了装潢可以说是很有味道之外,基本上觉得食物素质属于中下的。
Mama's Nyonya Cuisine
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews虽然这里的口碑很好,也常常满座,可是这一天我们所order的菜肴似乎都不太合我们的口味。
Jawi House Cafe Gallery
Nestled in historic and fashionable Armenian Street, Jawi House is a gallery that specialises in local artworks, prints, hand-painted fabrics and carvings. It is also a cafe that specialises in modernised as well as traditional Jawi Peranakan cuisine.
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews平日吃多了华人餐、西餐和那些有的没的咖啡馆,是时候来尝一尝一些偏向中东和马来风味的美食。这一篇介绍,希望大家会喜欢。
noweating posted www.noweating.com 370 ReviewsNyonya Nasi Ulam with Ayam Percik – one of the best items we sampled during our visit to the new Relish restaurant (Halal) at Gurney Paragon, Penang.
My Nyonya Favourites
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews这一次的造访所吃到的菜肴个人都觉得很喜欢, 而且份量和价格跟Straits Quay的Nyonya Breeze比较起来, 比较友善,味道也如出一辙。
Pulau Tikus Market Nyonya Delights
The food overall can say is nice and yummy and if you are unable to find which stall it should be perhaps you can recognize the seller itself.
ojsiew posted ojsiew.blogspot.com 633 ReviewsI like and among them are Pulut Tai-Tai, Pulut Inti, Kuih Kochi, Kuih Kochi Santan, Sambal Udang, Steamed Yam Cake (芋头糕) etc.
Nyonya Breeze
jianmy posted cokeworldcitizen.blogspot.com 67 ReviewsPlease go early to avoid disappointment and long waiting time.