Cafe Restaurants in Penang – 65 Restaurants
Namoo Korean Dessert Cafe and Bistro
We are the FIRST Korean dessert café in Malaysia serving genuine modern Korean food in bistro style by young and passionate Koreans
DreamsComeTrue posted 55 Reviews鹹爆米花當然是鹹的,只是單吃沒那麼討好,反而將它配跟微甜的雪糕一併吃才是最佳搭档。
Purrfect Cat Cafe
Here's where cats rule, humans obey and fur is considered sacred. Su Aziz strokes the ego of her new-found feline friends as she reports.
crizlai posted 308 ReviewsYou would surely be impressed with the cat shaped teapots and mugs they utilized.
Behind 50
Love Lane. Cuisine,Coffee,Art,Antique,Photo Gallery
taufulou posted 674 ReviewsI guess this would sure be a another great place to hang out with friends with their drinks are certainly up for grab, and filled with modernize pre-war style deco and the pricing of it is sure quite reasonable.
Yellow House Sharing Cafe
noweating posted 370 ReviewsYellow House is a good place to relax yourself or hangout with friends and family after a hectic working day.

55 Cafe & Restaurant
applefish posted 192 Reviews翻看menu,发现到这家小店,原来食物也卖得顶贵的,再看看环境,我想,这一带都在做外国佬的生意居多吧。
Sugar Honey
applefish posted 192 Reviews服务生续介绍他们的second best seller就是Earl Grey Tea蛋糕,满特别的口味,但我点了比较冷门的Crepe Cake Heritage Cendol,服务生告知仅此这家有售卖Cendol千层糕。
Bistro Tang @ Ren i Tang
Bistro Tang offers a selection of local refreshing beverages as well as familiar old time beverages . A glug of our icy beverages will help anyone brave the searing heat of our tropical weather and will easily while away many balmy evenings in the heart of George Town’s old quarters.
Favourite cafe
Heart of Georgetown's vintage style cafe that serves the yummylicious wrap, burger, pizza and pasta in town with good coffee and desserts. Cozy and comfy environment to hang out and chit chat with family and friends. Function booking and takeaway are also available.
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsTaste: 6.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good) Price: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good) Ambiance: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Ete Cafe
Eté Café. Welcome to Le Cordon Bleu Paris法國甜點,全球精品syphon咖啡
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsI have no complaints for the service, the lack of air-conditioning can be frustrating for the heat-intolerant and the cafe can be quite warm during afternoon.
Gohkaki 發林五腳基
五脚基(GohKaKi)的建设由来已久,一般上因为有五尺宽(Five Foot Way 或 Lima Kaki),所以叫做五脚基,也有人叫着“骑楼”或“走廊”,但还是以福建话发音为标准的GohKaKi “五脚基” ,最脍炙人口。
MyLoveMyFood posted 273 Reviews如果你想回憶以前童年的時光,回憶那些年甜蜜的故事或和幾個朋友聊天,為何不考慮到五腳基一遊? 相信我吧,絕對沒有遺憾。
China House
ChinaHouse is a traditional compound of 3 heritage buildings, linked by an open air courtyard. Now converted into 14 existing spaces with shops, cafes, restaurants, galleries and theatre.
TheYumList posted 552 ReviewsReason to visit: gob-smacking cake selection, inspiring environment, lovely selection of Western and Asian cuisine。

Huey & Wah. Gourmet Marshmallows | Snacks | Beverages
cklam posted 437 ReviewsThe decoration is rather simple, with wooden tables, but the chairs are rather cute.
Kaffa Espresso Bar
blogalicious posted 34 ReviewsSuperbLove the pungent and unique taste although the aftertaste is bitter. However, coffee only nice if its bitter right?
Gusto Cafe
sunflower posted 280 Reviews虽然如此,还是希望以后有机会再来这里试试其它的午餐。
Toys Café
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsNevertheless, the air-conditioned and wifi-available cafe is ideal to spend some time chilling out with friends or to have a closer look at the collection of toys.