夢想成真 ~ 旅遊美食部落格 by DreamsComeTrue
乐台居 Loke Thye Kee Restaurant
Housed within the oldest restaurant building in Penang (built circa 1929), Loke Thye Kee Restaurant* serves mainly Chinese cuisine, prepared the traditional way by our own chefs. We specialise in Hainanese dishes like Chicken Chop, Chicken Rice, Macaroni Pie, Spring Rolls & Curry Fish Head. All dishes are prepared fresh daily. Our guests can choose to dine within its cool, air-conditioned interiors or al-fresco on the balconies. Loke Thye Kee Restaurant will provide our guests with good food within nostalgic surroundings.
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews南洋咖啡飃香的茶餐廳: 店裡的裝潢充滿心思,一些仿製古董,電風扇,古董電話等都擺在店內,還有那被遺棄已久的招牌,如今被重新注入生命般佇立於店內一樓。
Restoran Kum Kee 兵如港錦記小食店
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews在怡保能夠吃到這樣的平靚正的看來只有這裡(可能我心裏拿了芽菜雞做價格標準吧,笑)
Namoo Korean Dessert Cafe and Bistro
We are the FIRST Korean dessert café in Malaysia serving genuine modern Korean food in bistro style by young and passionate Koreans
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews鹹爆米花當然是鹹的,只是單吃沒那麼討好,反而將它配跟微甜的雪糕一併吃才是最佳搭档。
Angus House
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews能夠做到這樣的水準,每客牛扒套餐要價马币81也值得。
Shunka Japanese Restaurant
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews【大山腳】筍香日韓料理 Shunka Japanese & Korean Restaurant Bukit Mertajam
Living Room
Encompassing all day dining and casual space to hang out, Living Room offers a delectable selection of local cuisine and international international flavours. Set within a playful and colourful theme, guests can also enjoy pastries with a wide selection of beverages. We carry a wide selection of TWG teas. TWG Tea has the largest collection of tea in the world with each tea being meticulously selected and blended to ensure the very highest standards.
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews法式可麗餅 French Style Crepe (RM19) 我最喜愛這個早餐,焦糖包著香蕉,微酸的草莓,溫熱的薄可麗餅灑上濃情蜜意的楓糖,突然心裡吹起想談戀愛的感覺。
Dining Room
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews這種鹹魚梅香十足,是鹹魚品當中的極品,邦咯島的丹佬鹹魚Danau Kurau Salted Fish。這次鹹魚以粉狀的姿態粉墨登場,讓食客自行加入,即消除環境會殘留氣味的難題,也更容易控制湯品的鹹香度,此湯品極為推薦菜色,讓我嘗了過後念念不忘。
Gathers Cafe
我們 Gathers Cafe 以咖啡,手工列日鬆餅及甜點為主。
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews我喜歡這裡靜謐的環境,沒有像星巴克般播放朝氣蓬勃的音樂,只有輕逸的流行音樂悠揚在咖啡館内,少了嘈雜,多一分寧靜。墻上挂著3只小黃鴨兄弟的照片,對這坐在對座的我們,互相對望,似乎對著我們莞爾。看著看著,心情也不知覺的愉悅起來。
Italiannies has to be one of my favourites places to eat at The Curve - it’s consistent, the portions are big, the ingredients are of good quality and the atmosphere is pretty nice.
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews吃海鮮意粉當然要配白酒,充滿桃子和蘋果香氣果味的白葡萄酒最合適不過了,經理推薦「Alois Lageder Riff Pinot Grigio Venezio」。
David Brown’s Restaurant and Tea Terrances
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews羊肉扒和羊架果然肉嫩多汁,餐刀只需輕輕一劃就將肉切開,輕輕沾上一點薄荷醬,皮下少許脂肥肉夾著鮮而嫩的肉,透著鮮爽多汁一併送入嘴裡,此羊肉並無羶味,美味十足。
David Brown’s Restaurant and Tea Terrances
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews羊肉扒和羊架果然肉嫩多汁,餐刀只需輕輕一劃就將肉切開,輕輕沾上一點薄荷醬,皮下少許脂肥肉夾著鮮而嫩的肉,透著鮮爽多汁一併送入嘴裡,此羊肉並無羶味,美味十足。
三禾轩 Pavillion Coffee
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews來這裡不僅食物台灣味,連咖啡也很台灣。
Plan B Roasters
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews比如這次的早餐,味道平淡無奇,是我對它期待過高,還是我心中已經有了心有所屬的味道,所以當食物送入口中反映不出心裏想要的味道,因此產生對我來説平淡無驚喜的結論。

Yut Kee Kopitiam 鎰記茶餐室
Yut Kee is one of the grand old lady of the Kuala Lumpur kopitiam scene having been established since 1928. Today it's being run by the third generation of the family.
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews一間陪伴了三代人的茶室,單單那沖泡咖啡的熏香氣味,每一天熏陶著都足以熏入白色洋灰牆中。
Matsuba Shokudo
DreamsComeTrue posted kellychoo.blogspot.com 55 Reviews至於濃湯的味道更是讓我提至味覺天堂的境界,似雪花般白而濃郁的湯頭,湯汁似乎可以裹著碗裡的麵條,濃郁的豬骨味湯汁隨著麵送入口中。