Chinese Restaurants in – 6347 Restaurants
Me & My Million Zillion Mee
When2Meets2 posted 182 Reviews没品尝过的人,有机会到槟城或北海一游时, 也可以前去品尝哦,或许你不会像我一样爱上这面食,但被顾客称为百万面肯定是有它独特的个人魅力,我想你也不会想错过那可以一尝的好机会吧!
青青有机馆 Green Green Organic Valley
sunflower posted 280 Reviews总的来说,向日葵觉得这是个威南区还不错的享用素食的地方
sunflower posted 280 Reviews一面吃着海鲜,可以一面欣赏日落。所以,想要吃美食看美景的话,请拨电预约。
De Templer
Jessycayong posted 127 ReviewsYummilicious lemon chicken (MUST try!!)
如意算盘 Ruyi Delights
applefish posted 192 Reviews这盘的客家如意面,面条蛮Q的,加上淋在面条上的肉碎,肉末碎香让你吃了再想吃。这客家如意面还有一碗鱼丸与猪肉丸汤。
威武馆(Wei Wu Guan)
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsAnyway, this is definitely one of the cafes that have provided me the best services ever, the staff were super duper friendly and kind to us during our visit. I will definitely come back to try some of their dishes again.
Face to Face Noodles House (面对面板面专卖店)
applefish posted 192 Reviews当服务员端上桌时,只见面条上满满的肉碎、江鱼仔与香葱,还有那薄薄的蛋白包围着那快要溢出来的蛋黄,简直就是忍不足想用筷子将蛋黄拌入面条内!
RICE etc
Sophie Tay posted 69 ReviewsRICE etc的设计属于大方简洁的路线,让人有种舒服放松的心情。
Farlim Hokkien Mee
Constance Ant posted 125 Reviewsif you didn’t likey extra ingredient, you can always go for a modest Hokkie Mee which priced at only RM 3.50. but i do recommend you to have siu yok, at least.
Chun Kee Hakka Mee
applefoo posted 229 ReviewsOverall, I think that Chun Kee’s Hakka Mee is okay and it does not warrant good reviews.
Restoran Sin Yin How
applefoo posted 229 ReviewsComparing this with the famous one at Jalan Bunga Raya, this aunty fries better oyster omelette. It taste better and it looks better. And the plus point here is that, you don’t have to wait for ages for a nice plate of oyster omelette. These factors alone are sufficient to have me coming back here for more.
AEON Station 18
Reanaclaire posted 133 ReviewsFood was served within 10 minutes... very fast service...
The Best Restoran
Reanaclaire posted 133 ReviewsThe coconut soup is quite special actually...It can be shared by 2 or 3 depending on how soupy you are...As for me, I don't mind drinking it All By Myself...
Sam Po
Reanaclaire posted 133 ReviewsThere were seven of us... And we ordered six dishes....Bill came to RM91...
Sri Mahkota
Reanaclaire posted 133 ReviewsI prefer their dried version... with a pinch of lard at the side..