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Nyonya Colors
posted 133 ReviewsI love Nyonya Colors, have been smitten by it at 1-Utama, KL and seeing this outlet here in Gentings, is a great Delight! I told my friends that we must go for their food even though they are manned by a group of foreigners....
Tea Secret Ipoh
The short answer is that we're a branch of an upcoming local beverage franchise that originated from the isle of Penang. The long answer is that we're a group of individuals who wish to show people a good time, a fun time, while they're enjoying cups of refreshing and invigorating beverages in our humble establishment. We may play around but our one, singular goal is always delivering instant happiness straight into your hands in the form of a freshly brewed cup of Tea Secret.
Su Ok San Korea BBQ Restaurant
zappalangzpl posted 74 ReviewsSuperb说到韩国美食,最先想到的当然是烧烤,水玉山还有一个卖点,就是配菜份量大而且选择很多,我每次去都吃到不同的配菜,很有诚意, 最喜欢他们家的泡菜,煎饼和焖南瓜。
Formosa Taiwanese Snack
zappalangzpl posted 74 ReviewsGood点了一客盐酥鸡套餐,套餐包含了盐酥鸡、卤肉汁饭、卤豆腐、卤蛋、酸菜和一杯饮料。卤肉汁饭的米粒粒晶莹剔透,用的应该是日本米,吃下去满口饭香,很棒!盐酥鸡则不过不失,炸得酥脆之余椒盐粉和辣粉下得恰如其分。配菜里面的卤豆腐,店家采用了豆腐卜来取代豆腐,想必是因为豆腐卜可以吸收满满的卤汁,非常下饭哦!至于饮料,我点的原味珍珠奶茶,奶味和茶味都欠奉,只剩下甜死人不偿命的糖味,店家可要多多改进啊~
Yarl Restaurant
The home style dishes were decent in taste; a perfect fit for people who hardly cook at home or for those deprived of having someone to cook for them.
Nava Krishnan posted 188 ReviewsSo soI 'm still standing firm with my two feet on the ground because I wasn't lifted up to the sky over the food I had in Yarl; situated at Jalan Tun Sambanthan.
Stadt German Cuisine & Bistro
While we were aware on the time for the grills, we still felt that we waited longer. The pork ribs were simply divine, I felt the "Oh Yum" factors from the pork ribs; tender meat easily ripped off from the ribs with the tangy subtle sweet sauce sealing in the yummy properties.
Nava Krishnan posted 188 ReviewsGoodOur patience almost dried up because the main dishes didn't appear until we had to ask over and over. Finally after 30 minutes (we were aware of the waiting time as stated at the back of menu) I had the plate of pork ribs in front of me. And another 10 minutes for the plate of cutlets. Hungrily we tucked in. I felt the "Oh Yum" factors from the pork ribs; tender meat easily ripped off from the ribs with the tangy subtle sweet sauce sealing in the yummy properties.
Ganggangsullae Restaurant
very good
low.b.leong posted 474 ReviewsService was commendable and the food was fullfilling and fresh with lots of banchan.
Penang Road Famous Teochew Chendul
zappalangzpl posted 74 ReviewsSuperb某人之前尝过 Penang Road Famous Teochew Chendul 在 Paradigm Mall 的分店后,坚持要来这里一试原店的味道。尽管已经槟城各区甚至雪隆一带开了不少分店,但是在这个熟悉的小巷子,槟城人缅怀的潮州煎蕊小车子旁,依旧有着长长的人龙。许多外地的游客还是不辞劳苦地来到这里品尝最正宗的潮州风味。
Baba Low's
Operation hours: sat- Thurs 7.30am to 4.00pm. Closed on Friday.
zappalangzpl posted 74 ReviewsSuperbBaba low顾名思义就是一个专卖 baba-nyoya美食的馆子,这店开在一个蛮偏僻的地点,离景点有点距离。店的门口与四周环绕着大树, 就算是大热天坐在露天的座位也不会太热。
Cozy in the Rocket
zappalangzpl posted 74 ReviewsSuperb驱车五小时从吉隆坡北上到槟城,因为时间有限,所以就直接在壁画区附近用午餐了。Cozy in the Rocket 就在著名的<姐弟共骑>壁画旁边。选择来这里的其中一个原因是它内部的装修设计,店铺对外的一幅砖墙上装上了一整排的玻璃,阳光从外透过竹帘之间投射进来,光影为店内增添了一丝午后的惬意。
Ha Ha Pan Mee
zappalangzpl posted 74 ReviewsSuperb蒲种的哈哈笑板面是其中一间我常光顾的板面专卖店,这里的板面种类非常多,而且价格相宜。这里的特色是以不同材料做成的板面,有菠菜,南瓜,生地,芫茜等等,不同的材料有不同的功效,五颜六色的好看又好吃!
Hoe's Bistro
电话: 营业时间: GPS 座标:,
zappalangzpl posted 74 ReviewsSuperbHoe's 是一间典型的美式餐厅,店面并不大,所以周末用餐时间常常客满,也因为这样我反而喜欢这一种温馨的感觉。