Cafe, Western Restaurants in – 170 Restaurants
Provence Living Cafe
Constance Ant posted 125 Reviewsit seems like a great hangout place for youngsters!
The Bulb Coffee
in the BULB COFFEE, infuse yourself with new ideas,just like lighting a BULB on you, be it Business Appointments, College Assignments, or even Friendship! "DING"!
ericyong77 posted 337 ReviewsA different style to its furnishing; and importantly very cosy and homely setting - and a nice coffee to accompany all that...
The Art Café
Now a day, The Art Cafe is just a house. I meant house. It's not a restaurant which converted from a house. It's actually just a house that provided food. So, when you come to my house for food, here is something that you might need to know first.
When2Meets2 posted 182 Reviews在这里主要招待西餐、意大利餐、饮料和甜点等,选择虽不多但有业主身兼厨师的身份独家为你烹饪所有的食物。

Huey & Wah. Gourmet Marshmallows | Snacks | Beverages
cklam posted 437 ReviewsThe decoration is rather simple, with wooden tables, but the chairs are rather cute.
Kaffa Espresso Bar
blogalicious posted 34 ReviewsSuperbLove the pungent and unique taste although the aftertaste is bitter. However, coffee only nice if its bitter right?
Mbuji Cafe
Mbuji (pronounced as boo-ji) Café , customers get to choose their own beans from our selections from different parts of the world or our own fine grade Mbuji house blend beans.
Gusto Cafe
sunflower posted 280 Reviews虽然如此,还是希望以后有机会再来这里试试其它的午餐。
Toys Café
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsNevertheless, the air-conditioned and wifi-available cafe is ideal to spend some time chilling out with friends or to have a closer look at the collection of toys.
My Art Cafe
Nice place to gather wth family & friends.Environment relax to having coffee chit chat with friends or even having desserts to cheer you up when u feel bored. Further information pls check at our Facebook :-
The Bons Cafe
The Bons Cafe is a cosy and home-feel cafe where you can enjoy your lovely and relaxing day (free WiFi!), having a cup of coffee and of course our signature "Teh Tarik", claimed to be the best one in Damansara Jaya? ^^ We are serving Breakfast= Big Breakfast, American Breakfast, Pancakes, French Toast Asian/Western Dishes= Nasi Lemak with Chicken Rendang, Mee Siam, Curry Laksa, Carbonara Spaghetti, Rosemary Chicken, BBQ Chicken etc. Breakfast and lunch set are available!
D'Grows Inn Cafe
Su Fen posted 153 ReviewsThe place was not bad, environment was good, a good place for gathering but the food is a bit disappointing. They need more improvement in their food to continue the business as I see the place was quite empty when we arrived and it is Friday night. Just an opinion from me.
Roti Bean Cafe
Constance Ant posted 125 ReviewsRoti Bean serves decent brekkie at proper breakfast hours.

Nowhereman Coffee
taufulou posted 674 ReviewsCoffee Rating 6/10, Not my type of coffee but those who love strong coffee would love it!