Chinese Restaurants in Penang – 1235 Restaurants
Bear Paw熊手包
applefish posted 192 Reviews四种果茶内,我们较喜欢Kiwi Fruit Yakult和Passion Fruit Green Tea,两者的味道都很清爽和特别,我必须强调一点的是百香果(Passion Fruit)是可以咬/吞食的哦!
Seed Natural Food Cafe
sunflower posted 280 Reviews厌倦了自己大吃大喝的习惯吗?不妨过来种籽蔬食让自己的胃来点低负担的又不失美味的食物吧。哦,忘了说,下次我想吃擂茶。看起来感觉还不错~
Sweet-i Tong Sui House
posted 34 ReviewsWhen I first entered their house, I was swamped by the types of dessert they are offering. Every wall glued with menus and even hanging on top of their counter like bunting flags, without duplication if you wonder. It took me a while to decide which to order by standing there like a kid. Due to the long shape design of the house, with the large crowd that times, patrons basically blocking the entrance of the house. No worries, their service are very attentive and efficient. We like the healthy concept that they are practising, very healthy and less sweetened. If you are yearning for something salty than sweet, there are herbs soup for you too.
Kedai Kopi Ban Leong Ean
ojsiew posted 633 ReviewsI like the noodles served there, but it is just that I am the kind of person who loves to explore other eateries.
Fook Cheow Cafe
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsGo later than 8 am and you will find it hard to secure a seat at the coffee house, best time to visit will be around 7: 30 am.
Wang Chao Chinese Cuisine
applefish posted 192 Reviews这火锅配套的重点也就是“3D鱼头”,老板教会我们鱼肉要在汤内烫60秒就可以吃了,这种小知识对我们这些常常不懂得煮多久的人,还真的获益不浅呢 (当然说着正常的小鱼肉片分量)。
City Rio Cafe (新麗羅茶室)
ojsiew posted 633 ReviewsThe generous layer of kaya & butter complemented the toast perfectly. A perfect marriage!!
Hon Kei Food Corner 漢記小食店
enqvist posted 222 ReviewsPork Mixed Bee Hun, it do contain all the pork part such as minced pork, brain, kidney, tripe, intestine, liver and heart. The soup is extremely sweet but it has very strong pork smell, probably due to pig brain.
特味面食馆 Te Wei Noodle Restaurant
applefish posted 192 Reviews由于QQ鱼肉面口感独特,我们特地为了它前来这家餐馆。
越味小吃馆(Kedai Makanan Ye Wei)
posted www.cquek.comThe dessert is served with cold black coffee that gives an aromatic sweet caramel and distinctive coffee aroma.
Lebuh Clarke Koay Teow Th'ng
jazz posted 190 Reviews这里最特别的就是有鸡血还有猪脚筋丸
Restoran Ju Heng
carene19 posted 90 ReviewsSuperbType of service: self-service ( in choosing own wanted ingredients)-First, choose a bowl of noodles (either bihun or noodles). Secondly, pick the ingredients (fish/chicken/beef slices, squids, crab meat, sausages, taufu, vegetables and the signature deep fried fish. Lastly, hand the bowl of your chosen ingredients and noodles to the hawker and wait to be served.
Boo Kee Chicken Rice (巫记鸡饭)
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsThe quintessential complements for Chicken Rice- Fish Balls and Bean Sprouts. Nothing to shout over for their Fish Balls except for the price, we did enjoy the crunchy and well-cooked Bean Sprouts, drenched in their premium Soy Sauce. The Sprouts were sweet and added a bit of juicy crunch to the Hor Fun. In spite of its price, the Bean Sprouts were served in a rather huge portion.
Restoran Terapung Pulau Aman
A 10-15 minutes boat ride from the Batu Musang new jetty brought us to Pulau Aman where there existed the famous floating seafood restaurant. The seafood is real fresh as you can see fishermen bringing in all the live catch, which include varieties of shell fish, fish, flower crabs, prawns and mantis prawns. You can even try catching your own and get therestaurant to cook for you at minimal charges.
taufulou posted 674 ReviewsFood Rating 7/10, quite okay, because its fresh~ ~-Stamped-
Back Home 回家书坊
A cozy place for you the enjoy reading, gathering, picnic, BBQ or even just enjoy a cup drink Hundreds of books provided in Back Home.
posted invisibless2.blogspot.com脱了鞋子进去,左边是一排书架,右边是一排沙发,咖啡桌,中间有道矮矮的木制装饰篱笆; 地毯好像草地一样! 我家小子最爱室内那青色仿草的地毯了! 上次去看小丁当展览,几乎赖在公园的草地不走了.