San Terri Cottage

Cuisines Pastries

Their cakes are extremely delectable.


Cuisines Western Pastries

Ochacha Cafe is a huge fan of green tea. In fact, their menu consists mostly green tea drinks, green tea desserts and some unassuming pastries.

Service was rather good and speedy. The price is quite high but the quality of the food and drinks are guaranteed.

wenching_86 posted 208 Reviews

Krispy Kreme

Cuisines Pastries

The doughnuts really made an impression, as they were looked so beautifully yummy.

Indulge Café

Cuisines Pastries

Gonna break the diet plan for a while.... till my killing mood gets better.

Jessycayong posted 127 Reviews

RT Pastry House (雅特面包果子工房)

Cuisines Pastries

The Loaf

Cuisines Pastries
Business Hour 11.00am - 9.00pm

The Loaf is universally known to be owned by our very famous ex-Prime Minister and also for its pricey premium breads and pastries, however, unless you always dine in expensive restaurants, much less is known about the food they have in their restaurant. The prices of the food is of higher end, something you should already expect when all their branches are opened at areas such as KL Pavilion. Don't worry though! The food quality is up to par! Definitely worth the money you have paid for.

honeylemongirl posted

Hong Kong Miu Kai @ Seri Petaling

Cuisines Chinese Pastries

Hong Kong Miu Kai is located in Seri Petaling which selling a variety of pastry besides serving food like the ordinary Char Chan Teng such as Wong Kok and Kim Gary.

You will noticed that none of the thing we ordered got any relation to Hong Kong style food, but those things are all available. Just that we never bother to try anymore. As said, sick of it already. Cheers.

kvinlim posted 99 Reviews

Happy Meal Pastries

Cuisines Chinese Pastries

Happy Meal is a pastry shop at one of the corner shop along Jalan Hang Lekir.

Secret Recipe

Cuisines Western Pastries

Secret Recipe is a local success story having started out with a single outlet and now having over 60 outlets throughout the country. All this based on their original fame of their marble cheese cake. Since then they have added other award winning dishes as well to their menu and recently they even re-designed their menus to give it a fresher and more modern look.

Homi CurryPuff

Cuisines Pastries
Business Hour 10am – 10pm

They are lovely!

What i like about it , is its not as oily as other Curry puffs and if you are a fan of the crispy outer layer of the puff, this one is for you.

suyee posted 402 Reviews

Mz.Nina Bakery Cafe

Nice, relaxing ambience, fresh good food. 10am till 10pm

Kedai Roti Southern

Cuisines Pastries

A new batch of breads and buns are out everyday at 3pm.

ericyong77 posted 337 Reviews

Tous les Jours

Cuisines Pastries

Tous les Jours (TLJ) is pronounce as 'Too-Leh-Joo' which means 'everyday' in French language. It is a combination of French and Korean bakery. There are varieties of bread and cakes to be chosen. I was amazed by it as I do love pastries. The aroma of bread captivated my heart.

LoveEatShop94 posted 24 Reviews