Romantic Restaurants in Jalan Maharajalela, Kuala Lumpur – Special restaurants for Valentine Dinner
cafe cafe KL
Business Hour
MON - SAT Dinner: 06.00pm - 12.00pm, SUN Lunch 12.00pm - 02.30pm, Tea 02:30pm - 05:30pm, Dinner 06:00pm 0 12:00am
Opposite of National Staduim and near to the traffic lights at the Dewan Bahasa intersection, you can’t miss the 19th century Parisian-styled cafe that stands out in a row of nondescript shops.urrounding the dining area are old cottage-styled cabinets, well-stocked with canned food, wines, giving the impressions of cozy cottages in old times.
When2Meets2 posted 182 Reviews这里的巧克力熔岩蛋糕我敢说是我吃过最好吃的一家了,至今仍然无法吃到可与他们家媲美的熔岩蛋糕。