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Restaurants in Bayan Lepas: vegetarian

Ah Basri Satay Kedai Makan
... ), Lamb Satay (RM 1.20), Vegetarian Satay (RM 0.80), Prawn ...
This place has its own unique variations of satay. They have even horse and ostrich meat for the more adventurous to try out.
Eastin Hotel Penang
... Seafood Paella, Braised Veggie With Vegetarian Sea Cucumber, Itarian Tiramisu, Japanese ...
applefish posted www.applefish.net 192 Reviews适逢圣诞节的来临,槟城的Eastin Hotel如往常的推出了他们的Christmas Eve和Christmas Day Buffet,价格从RM82 nett开始。
Xiang Yun Vegetarian Hut
Curry Burger, Jawa Mee, No. 17-G-31, Mk 12, Bayan Point, Medan Kampung Relau, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
posted lionkingsays.blogspot.com香云素食坊的食材全都是使用来自天然黄豆渣的豆纤维,色香味都完胜传统素料所使用的面筋。加上店家坚持的少油、低盐的烹煮方式,让顾客们吃得更健康,更安心。健康创意素食+餐厅式的享受+大排档的价格,非常适合小狮这种薪水低微但却又想享受健康美食的上班族。
一棵树 Vegetarian Kitchen
Jawa Mee, 一棵树 Vegetarian Kitchen, Homemade Braised Rice 卤 ...
Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 ReviewsPrices are fair considering the variety and options available; if you have a Western palate, they have a few Pasta dishes available but if you are an Eastern person, Rice and home-made Noodles are there too. A decent place to assuage your guilt for eating too much meat.