Western Restaurants in Selangor @ Petaling Jaya – 701 Restaurants
Kennedy's Restaurant
Great Tasting American Food
sumptuous.blog posted sumptuousblog.wordpress.com 169 ReviewsThe environment is nice, comfortable and play with some nice english songs. The restaurant wasn’t that busy as we reached there around 5pm, not really dinner time as yet.
Tony Roma
small kucing posted www.smallkucing.com 554 ReviewsThe ribs was amazing.
Coffee Famille 咖啡家
咖啡家希望可以給城市人一個家的感覺。來到這裡,你可自由走動,參觀,喝咖啡之於也很歡迎你找我們聊天,就像回到自己的家一樣,親切,舒服。臨走前記得買單就可以了。^ ^ Coffee Famille is here to provide you a feeling at HOME while having a good cup in hand. In here, you may wander about, look around, free to talk, chat non-stop, just like at home.
ckiong posted ckiong.wordpress.com 6 ReviewsSuperb喜歡他們的佈置和裝璜﹐尤其是店裡那兩面畫滿了壁畫的牆。其中有一幅畫畫了一朵下雨的雲﹐ 而店主在那幅畫的下面放了一個裝雨傘的籃子﹐ 現實與壁畫相呼應﹐還蠻有趣的。
Su Fen posted sufentan88.blogspot.com 153 ReviewsSuper long and giant fries they served. Love their fries!
KOKOPELLI Travellers Bistro
Arid Moen postedExceptionalI and my daughter always feel a bit apprehensive when entering the restaurant bcos the 1st time, we were told we can't sit where we wanted n the second time we were told we cldnt have an item on a dish served separately, etc, but the food is good. It's just that we feel we are not cherished customers.
stevenycs posted craving4food.blogspot.com 281 ReviewsOverall, I can summarize this place up pretty easy. I think you can guess what is my answer too by now. Not worth my money at all. Only spend your money here if someone is buying. Maybe the bar is better at night.
Jekyll & Hyde
taufulou posted www.taufulou.com 674 ReviewsOverall, I thought the food here was alright but lacking – heart, far from being hearty and comforting.
I'm Not a Chef
chryshijing posted chryshijing.blogspot.com.au 55 ReviewsGoodThe cafe is operated by two friends. One looked after the floor and drinks while the other looked after the kitchen and hot meals. I do not recall if both or one of them were in New Zealand and incorporated some of the Kiwiness into the cafe.
Italiannies has to be one of my favourites places to eat at The Curve - it’s consistent, the portions are big, the ingredients are of good quality and the atmosphere is pretty nice.
taufulou posted www.taufulou.com 674 ReviewsItalianese is one of a brand that I assocciate closely to Sofia Pizza (in Melbourne Camberwell) when I back to Malaysia and head to KL during my first job in KL.
Swez Brasserie
posted www.choiyen.com 419 ReviewsThe holy month of Ramadhan is near and Eastin Hotel Kuala Lumpur is bringing back a feast ‘Warisan Tradisi Kampung D’Utara’ showcasing delicious delights from the Northern states of Malaysia. Diners are offered spread of authentic dishes from Kedah, Penang, Perak, Kelantan and others for Buka Puasa this Ramadan. Early Bird Vouchers are for sale from now until 14th May 2017 at RM72 nett per person valid from 29th May to 2nd June 2017. 29th May – 4th June & 22nd – 23th June 2017 Adult: RM100 nett & Child: RM50 nett 5th – 9th June, 12th – 16th June, 19th – 21st June Adult: RM145 nett & Child: RM72 nett Weekend Special 10th – 11th June & 17th – 18th June Adult: RM100 nett & Child: RM50 nett
The Morning After
taufulou posted www.taufulou.com 674 ReviewsFood & coffee in here still need much improvement as its still along way to go for them by charging at this price and I do expect more in terms of their food quality.
Carpe Diem
renaelyng posted thegardennom.wordpress.com 76 ReviewsThe gNOMes were initially a little skeptical about a Korean Pizza restaurant. But seeing the interesting Korean twist on traditional favorites is refreshing.
Attic Brew Cafe
summerkid posted www.malaysianflavours.com 568 ReviewsNice coffee. Pet friendly. Friendly service with loyal “guardian of the cafe”. Hope Attic Brew will launch more savoury food in near future.
Porto Bello Cafe
summerkid posted www.malaysianflavours.com 568 ReviewsMany will mistakenly treat Porto Bello as a place for only main meals. Can’t deny so but apparently, we like their dessert a lot. Will definitely come back to have their Panna Cotta with a cup of great coffee for teatime.

6 to 10 Grill & Nasi Lemak
The restaurant is very well known at Seksyen 17, Petaling Jaya for its nasi lemak and steaks. It has been operating since 1992 (i guess) near the road side and now they have move to those shop below the flats.
Derek postedExceptionalNasi lemak...chinese style...with very nice malaysian style chops too