Typica Cafe
This little and simple looking cafe won my heart over with its coffee and dessert.
ckiong posted ckiong.wordpress.com 6 ReviewsExceptional這次要分享的是幾種我們很喜歡的甜點和調味咖啡。班蘭香鮮奶咖啡﹐一種我們常點的咖啡。 先將班蘭葉放在鮮奶裡頭煮一會兒後取出﹐ 然後把充滿鮮班蘭香的鮮奶和咖啡倒在一起。 無論香味或口感﹐都讓我們驚訝這三種東西既然能有如此完美的混搭。
Coffee Famille 咖啡家
咖啡家希望可以給城市人一個家的感覺。來到這裡,你可自由走動,參觀,喝咖啡之於也很歡迎你找我們聊天,就像回到自己的家一樣,親切,舒服。臨走前記得買單就可以了。^ ^ Coffee Famille is here to provide you a feeling at HOME while having a good cup in hand. In here, you may wander about, look around, free to talk, chat non-stop, just like at home.
ckiong posted ckiong.wordpress.com 6 ReviewsSuperb喜歡他們的佈置和裝璜﹐尤其是店裡那兩面畫滿了壁畫的牆。其中有一幅畫畫了一朵下雨的雲﹐ 而店主在那幅畫的下面放了一個裝雨傘的籃子﹐ 現實與壁畫相呼應﹐還蠻有趣的。
Verona Trattoria
ckiong posted ckiong.wordpress.com 6 ReviewsSuperbSimple and good Italian good, with nice deco and ambiance
Lucky Loke
ckiong posted ckiong.wordpress.com 6 ReviewsSuperb雖然隔了兩年﹐但那蒜香炸魚和三杯雞依然那麼好吃。炸得酥脆的魚﹐配上蒜頭小辣椒和帶點青檸檬的醬汁,非常開胃﹐是我們絕對必點的一道菜
TEN Japanese Fine Dining
The sushi and sashimi at Ten is the best in KL by far!
ckiong posted ckiong.wordpress.com 6 ReviewsSuperbYou can taste both traditional and fussion type japanese food at Ten. Good and friendly service with nice environment.
Hajime Japanese Restaurant
The restaurant actually a refurbished bungalow. You will be extremely pleasing due to it exterior and interior design which make of various types of woods and stones to create different textures on the surfaces of the building.
posted ckiong.wordpress.com 6 ReviewsSuperbHajime is back! With a new name Coco.Tei. At 5, Jln Delima.