Ixora Hotel

Cuisines Western Malaysian

Overall a decent breakfast with western and local dishes.

All the dishes were prepared by the very talented and skillful culinary team of Ixora Hotel, led by Executive Chef- Chef Beh.

Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 Reviews

Claypot Bee Tai Bak

Cuisines Chinese Local

Very starchy sharp fin kind of bee tai bak served in claypot. The soup was well flavored to my liking

blogalicious posted crispoflife.blogspot.com 34 Reviews

Bayan Baru Wet Market Food Court

Cuisines Local

The gravy soup was as thick as how tangy it smell.

blogalicious posted crispoflife.blogspot.com 34 Reviews

7 Village Noodle House @ Abu Siti Lane

Cuisines Malaysian
Business Hour 8am to 9pm. Daily.

I like the soup as it wasn't too oily yet emit adequate natural sweetness

blogalicious posted crispoflife.blogspot.com 34 Reviews

Larut Cafe

Cuisines Local

At the corner of Larut Road and Bawasah Road lies a little kopitiam that normally wouldn’t catch one’s eye. But you shouldn’t dismiss this quiet old kopitiam several doors away from Dorsett Hotel (ex Sheraton Hotel), because it is where you can find the very unique Mee CRC. They serve 2 types of mee here - mee masak and mee goreng.


Cuisines Local
Business Hour 11am-5pm

Mr. Pot Coffee & Toast

Cuisines Malaysian

However, judging on the fact that this restaurant is running 24 hours, it is expected the price to be slightly expensive. The menu comes with other local cuisine as well as variety of toasts good for breakfast. It should be a place for friends to hang out and chit chat.

noweating posted www.noweating.com 370 Reviews

Old Town Cafe

Cuisines Malaysian

I love the food there!!!

Duck Rice

Cuisines Malaysian

Very nice. The best Duck Rice in Penang