Restaurant Nelson Tan

Cuisines Taiwan Asian Western
Business Hour Opening hours: 12 pm to 11 pm everyday.

When you see the jusco kepong at your right handside,go straight and you will see petronas on your left ,turn in go straight untill you see a juntion at your left,go straight and the cafe is at your right. It has a catchy Chinese name i.e. - ιΈŸη”Ÿθ›‹ which literally means "Bird Laying Eggs"

Overall, not really my cup of tea but it is nice dining as a group trying all the korean/japanese inspired dishes

babylightning posted 546 Reviews
More about Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Lumpur Restaurants by Travelopy

River City


The signature bread is Raisin Cream Cheese bun and German Muesli loaf.Must Try!