Hau kee Seafood Restaurant

Top 500 Restaurants in Malaysia
Top 500 Restaurants in Kuala Lumpur
Cuisines chinese
Business Hour 4.00pm-2.00am

This place is popular among the Cheras residents but at the same time also attracted many other food-goers around. It was very packed during dinner time.

Parking is horrible-double and triple parking. But the good food make up for it.

low.b.leong posted foodbin.blogspot.com 474 Reviews
More about Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Lumpur Restaurants by Travelopy

A Wet Thai Food Cafe

Cuisines Thai

A Wet Thai Café is serving authentic Thai Cuisine. A Wet Thai Café is quite easy to look for. It is located at Taman Segar a few shops next to Hau Kee Restaurant

White Tom Yam Seafood soup - plain but delicious and that is the way I like it.

hAppYHapPy posted tailim.blogspot.com 740 Reviews

Restoran Meng Shiang

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Stall opens from early morning 7.30 till 3pm or while stock lasts! They are close on alternate Tuesdays

不要以为美食只会出现在商业区或商场里,很多时候在毫不起眼的民宅花园中,也有让人惊为天人的好吃料理。这一天阿七在友力花园一带做完体检,就来到附近很出名的友力云吞面吃早餐。 友力云吞面是茗香茶餐室里面的其中一个档口。很久没来这里了,排队等着要尝鲜的人潮依然很多,好不容易找到位子后,就赶快到档口去下单了。站在档口旁的美女(应该是老板娘的女儿),在下单的时候总会在你面前晃她那叠厚厚的单子,然后说“要等哦!“。也许有人会不齿这样的服务态度,但是对我来说,美食排在第一位,至少她是好心提醒要等很久,一个愿打,一个愿捱,没什么的!

zappalangzpl posted zap-pa-lang.blogspot.com 74 Reviews

Restoran Choong Huat

Cuisines Steamboat

Many type of soup available without extra cost! chicken soup, tomyam soup, herbal soup, seaweed soup with wine, black pepper soup and coriander and century egg soup.

Blue Dragon

Cuisines Thai

The environment is nice especially the first floor, but only open after 6pm. The food is all presentable and placed in a nice way.


Overall, a big thumbs up to its ambience and the affordable set lunch menu, definitely deserved a visit !

jian posted lovepoppyeat.blogspot.com 38 Reviews

Hainanese Chicken Rice Shack

Cuisines Hainanese
Business Hour sold out by 2pm

A must for the connosieur – tastes like Nam Heong back in the 60s.

Warong Sate dan Cafe Mak Long

Cuisines Malay

Satay, Mee Bandung, Mee Rebus

Restoran Cosy Corner

Cuisines Chinese

They have sliced chicken & prawn together with bean sprouts

Jessycayong posted jess-concrete.blogspot.com 127 Reviews

Hotz Cafe

Cuisines Chinese