Go-Gung Korean Restaurant

Cuisines Korean

Moo Cow Frozen Yogurt

Cuisines Dessert

Well, I never try eating yoghurt ice-cream before but I drink yoghurt occasionally, I never know that it can be quite tasty too when it is original flavour. It is plain and simple and not very sourly.

liyenz posted liyenz.wordpress.com 52 Reviews

Paddington House of Pancakes

Cuisines Western


When2Meets2 posted when2meets2.blogspot.com 182 Reviews

Rak Thai

Cuisines Thai

This Restoran serving Thai Food.

Food was so-so. The so-called "sticky-rice" could be thrown at some robber to knock that fella out! - Yes, it's dry, hard, & bleagh...thankfully it's a coupon deal where I didn't have to pay that much to try out the food here. If restaurants provide their patrons with equally good food through coupon deals, I guarantee they'll receive many folds in return!

perutbesi posted perutbesi.blogspot.com 230 Reviews

Sam Sam Korean

Cuisines Korean

The Korean stall was manned by a Korean Family serve something authentic Korean food.

Oyster King

Cuisines Western

The next time if you are looking for street food when you are in The Gardens, you should definitely go to Oyster King. Yummy goodness, taste like those found in Penang, slightly sticky, wet, spicy, big juicy oyster, RM6, very good.


Well, the price are definitively cheap compared to most food restaurants in a shopping mall. Set meals are available for around RM 12.00 - RM 14.00 which consists of drinks ( 3 choice) + soup + main dish. However portions were actually small, even with discount vouchers i added 2 side dishes and im still hungry.

malaysiacuisine.com posted www.malaysiacuisine.com 127 Reviews

Ireland's Potato

Cuisines Western
Business Hour Everyday (Depending on Shopping Complex Outlet's Opening Hours).

My first experience of eating Potato Chip (French Fries) with mayonnaise and chicken meat sauce. This is really good in taste. Very unique of its taste rather than dipping on tomato/chili sauce. I like it much because its not too salty and oily.

nikelkhor posted www.nikelkhor.com 486 Reviews


Cuisines Western Pastries

Ochacha Cafe is a huge fan of green tea. In fact, their menu consists mostly green tea drinks, green tea desserts and some unassuming pastries.

Service was rather good and speedy. The price is quite high but the quality of the food and drinks are guaranteed.

wenching_86 posted www.eatonlylar.com 208 Reviews


Cuisines Western

Food range were aplenty in Redbox The Gardens.

Kuru Kuru Takoyaki

Cuisines Japanese

章鱼烧的口感不错,粉酱调得ok, 章鱼还算大颗,嚼起来还蛮香的。章鱼烧面上撒的柴鱼片与美奶滋略嫌少,不过还可接受。浇在上面的醬料对我来说很咸,这扣了分。整体来说还ok, 价钱是RM1.5一颗,较贵不过考虑到是在gardens就算了。

zappalangzpl posted zap-pa-lang.blogspot.com 74 Reviews

Jonker Sweets Dessert

Cuisines Chinese

Come on down to the LG floor and check out Jonker Sweets, serving some of the best Malaysian desserts you find in our beautiful nation.

Nothing much to comment, it is a normal decent cendol.

suyee posted su-yee.blogspot.com 402 Reviews

Zouk Cafe Bar

Cuisines Western

Dining & Entertainment now goes a notch up once excellent meals & great music goes hand in hand.

posted malaysiasfood.com