Food Gallery

Cuisines Asian

由于这里美食太多了,聚集了超过500种食物所以食代广场也列出40大美食 不但可以作为一个参考,同时也让时下很多患有“选择障碍症”的朋友缩窄选择范围

jazz posted 190 Reviews

Haven Delights 新天地

Business Hour 10:30am - 11:00pm Daily Buffet Hours: 12.00noon-2.00pm, 2.00pm-4.00pm, 5.00pm-7.00pm, 7.00pm-9.00pm

This restaurant serves a combination of cuisines from Japan, Korea, Shanghai and Hong Kong with a twist of fusion. For those who go for their ala carte dishes, there are more than 200 varieties to choose from.

Overall, I find the quality of the food served in Haven Delights was rather inconsistent, where some of the dishes were impressive and some do not. Service wise, was decent and the time used for the food to arrive was quite fast.

Kenhuntsfood posted 780 Reviews