Western Restaurants in – 3857 Restaurants
Theobroma Chocolate Lounge
ojsiew posted ojsiew.blogspot.com 633 ReviewsThe serving of dessert was simply delicious and the portion was just nice. Found that the food was "light & nice".
kelvintan3 posted www.ktheblogger.com 81 ReviewsThe interior design is plain and simple like it's signboard which can be easily missed however it's a nice, quiet place to discuss business.
Urban Spoon
YilingL posted yilinglim.blogspot.com 232 ReviewsOverall, there are some hits and misses. Improvements I'd like to see is the expansion of the desserts menu and hope the consistency issue can be addressed.
Jose & Deli Eatery
Motormouth posted www.j2kfm.com 552 ReviewsJose & Deli is a perfect example of a new establishment done right, located in a strategic spot in town that has yet to be crowded with similar ventures and easily accessible for both tourists and locals.
Uncle Tom's Tavern
CurryFishHead posted curry0719.blogspot.com 128 Reviews虽然这里的食物价格算便宜,不会高,可是如果以这样的环境享有这样的食物,我觉得...下次光顾的机会会降低很多。我宁愿花费高点,在这样美好的环境下进餐:)不过值得一提的是,服务生的态度很好,这点我喜欢~
Baristas Coffee
CurryFishHead posted curry0719.blogspot.com 128 Reviews其实在JB的朋友可以不用跑那么远去喝这家的咖啡,现在在Taman Gaya也开了一家分店,不过主食的选择会比较少,而且采用自助式,所以是没征收service charges的 而且分店的咖啡...好喝多了!!!
Aria Traditional Italian Dining & Whisky Bar
nikelkhor posted www.nikelkhor.com 486 ReviewsThe place is so nice, i thought this kind of place only can be seen in drama. The service is good too.
Sam Hadramawt
spicysharon posted spicysharon.blogspot.com 315 ReviewsOverall Rating: 5.5/10. I was pretty dissapointed with my kebab and shish tawouk. It was just way too bland for my tastebuds. I will not return.
Sugar Honey
applefish posted www.applefish.net 192 Reviews服务生续介绍他们的second best seller就是Earl Grey Tea蛋糕,满特别的口味,但我点了比较冷门的Crepe Cake Heritage Cendol,服务生告知仅此这家有售卖Cendol千层糕。
Ichi Poolbar
When2Meets2 posted when2meets2.blogspot.com 182 Reviews喜欢吃烧烤的人,又不想被一阵油烟味包裹的你,可以考虑到这里来享用烧烤自助餐。
Delectable by Su
When2Meets2 posted when2meets2.blogspot.com 182 Reviews有兴趣在如此温馨甜美的店面里享用甜点的朋友,可以考虑来这里和三五知己消磨时间。
Pier 39
Jessycayong posted jess-concrete.blogspot.com 127 Reviewsverybody at the table do agreed that this mushroom taste the best among all! Must try*
Quick Bites
goldfries posted www.buurps.com 138 ReviewsGive it a try if you’re at Publika, it’s on the same floor as the Chinese food court.