Ah Wang Cafe

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 1pm - 9pm. Close on Sunday except public holiday.

The specialty offered by Ah Wang cafeteria is their homemade kaya, sandwiching in between the breads. It comes with a custardy texture and the sweetness is well balanced. Often time, it comes accompanied with butter, or better known as Roti Kahwin. Their homemade kaya is available for sale too.

posted crispoflife.blogspot.com 34 Reviews

Boey Chong Kee Restaurant 梅忠记

Cuisines Chinese

One Old Eating House in Penang

hAppYHapPy posted tailim.blogspot.com 740 Reviews

The Famous Mee Udang (Aur Gading)

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 12pm to 12am. Opens Daily

We were certainly pleased by the generous amount of Cuttlefish but we were not impressed with the Rojak sauce.

Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 Reviews

Prawn Mee Shop (虾面之家)

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Monday to Saturday, 8am to 10pm; Sunday, 7:30am to 6pm. Closed on every Wednesday.

The place to satisfy your stomach for the dish of yellow noodles mixed with vermicelli drenched in spicy broth made of pork and prawn; topped with crunchy bean sprouts, slices of lean pork, boiled eggs and shredded prawns. - See more at: http://lovewinter19.blogspot.com/2013/01/penang-delicacies-penang-island.html Personally think that there are other hokkien mee which taste better in Penang. The bowl of hokkien mee tastes good, yet not the top notch.

carene19 posted lovewinter19.blogspot.com 90 Reviews

Tin83 Cafe

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 11 am to 11 pm. Opens Daily.

One of the signature dishes by Tin83 would be their Traditional Egg Noodles.

Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 Reviews

Bee Wei Chinese Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Start From 6.30pm

Stir Fried Kailan RM8, same as sambal kangkung where big prawn are bring added. This dish is nicely cook to have great wok hei and flavor.

enqvist posted www.tasteiest.com 222 Reviews

Xin Seng Huo 新生活茶室 鱼生鸡粥

Cuisines Chinese

个人十分推荐,而小新觉得不错,可是不至于到那种一定要尝的地步。 两碗粥 + 白斩鸡要价RM18,个人觉得满贵的。

sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews

Kane Mochi 雪糕麻糬

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 10am-10pm

我们选择了Vanilla,Strawberry,Mocha Chip和Milk的雪糕麻糬.Almond口味的Chocky Rocky Dip吃起来有脆口的口感个人觉得搭配Mocha Chip很不错而Oreo和牛奶口味的雪糕麻糬似乎已经是注定的绝配两者的搭配超适合的

jazz posted jazzlah.blogspot.com 190 Reviews

Dee Mak Mookata

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 6PM-11PM

个人觉得Dee Mak Mookata虽然才营业一个多月,但从材料,汤头看得出店家用心经营而且店家的态度相当好和亲切看来大山脚和威省一带的朋友又有一个烧烤好去处了~

jazz posted jazzlah.blogspot.com 190 Reviews

Maria Wan Ton Mee (马丽亚云吞面)

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 5:30 am to 12 am. Closed on Mondays.

A simple plate of Wan Ton Mee/ Tok Tok Mee (Rm 4 for Small/ Rm 5 for Large) never fails to make my day.

Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 Reviews

Lorong Selamat char koay teow

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour opens daily from 1100 – 1800 closed on every Tuesday

Lorong Selamat char koay teow has been featured in Ho Chiak months ago. It's running by 2 ladies right outside an old kopitiam. This char koay teow is a bit special as compare to others, because they are quite strong in flavor. You will need to queue up to place order and wait for your char koay teow nowadays, guessed they are just too good in business after publicized in 8tv.


Famous Char Koay Teow which is listed in most foodie blogs including mine. In lieu of the stall owner's bad temper, the char koay teow is delicious with big prawns. The drawback: Small portion and high price and long waiting time.

carene19 posted lovewinter19.blogspot.com 90 Reviews

Aik Hoe Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 5am - 2pm (Closed on Monday)

Not a must visit restaurant for tourist but to the local staying around here, they just will not miss a single day without a nice dim sum and Chinese tea in this restaurant. It is already a part of their life.

Pas De Nom posted chillout-soulout-freakout.blogspot.com 471 Reviews

Lok Lok Chai Leng Park

Cuisines Chinese

5 types of sauces + 5-in-1 sauce. Not exactly quality food, but it is the atmosphere and piping hot food which make it taste not half-bad.

This place has a wider range of varieties available, from fresh to fried items. It's pretty delicious. We shall go for it again should we visit Butterworth.

ojsiew posted ojsiew.blogspot.com 633 Reviews

Xin He Cafe

Cuisines Chinese

They have 3 main food dere thats de Koay Teow Th'ng, Penang Laksa as well as the Curry Mee. All so yummy and the Curry Mee is from the Lorong Seratus Tahun.

My first action was to test out the soup.. hmm.. it was flavourful.. not bad.. that was what I had in mind!

ojsiew posted ojsiew.blogspot.com 633 Reviews

Coconut Garden Cafe

Cuisines Chinese

这里提供四种意大利面条,分别有Penne,Spaghetti,Linguine,Fusilli. 而酱汁则有Napolitana,Carbonara,Bolognese,Marinara等

jazz posted jazzlah.blogspot.com 190 Reviews