Restoran 3JC

Cuisines Chinese Non-Halal

The history of meatballs making in Malaysia dated back to the post era the 2nd world war. There was a person named Khong Zing, originated from the district of Canton, China, left his homeland to the Peninsular Malaya for a better life. He commenced his venture by setting up him business in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, more precisely at Jalan Silang. For some urgent personal matter, he went home where of his business had to be taken care for by Chan Fatt Kam. As the meatballs are of exceptional taste and quality, Chan does not face much difficulty to expand and further enhance the business. At the moment the show was situated in such a way that it was annexed to two other shop at the road junction. Henceforth, the regular customers have named it as "San Jian Chuang", translated to "Three Adjacent Shops". Now the name "San Jian Chuang" is well known and is synonymous to meatballs. Thereafter Chan has passed on the are of making meatballs to one Yap See Chiew, the next generation to continue the are and to make available to the public, the exquisite taste of superior and quality meatballs, Yap has then set up his own establishment in Jinjang, Kuala Lumpur of which is know as "San Jian Chuang". He has further branched out to Petaling Jaya (behind Mak Yee Restaurant) whereof most Petaling Jaya folks would patronize it for breakfast, especially weekends.

Klang Bak Kut Teh

Cuisines Chinese Non Halal
Business Hour 6.30pm - 11.30pm (Closed on Thursday)

It is just a small place, occupying the front of a house, with a few tables on the side walk as well. The menu is displayed hanging opposite the stall.

Restaurant One Plus One

Cuisines Chinese Non-Halal
Business Hour 8.00am - 4.00pm, Closed on Mondays

A shop run by two sisters, specialising in Chicken Rice Wine Noodles.

Restaurant Tong Shan

Cuisines Chinese Non-Halal

An extensive variety of dishes served from breakfast time

Restaurant Guizhou Garden

Cuisines Chinese Non-Halal
Business Hour 11.00am – 3.00pm, 5.30pm – 10.30pm daily

A restaurant with a pleasant ambience, serving Chinese cuisine as well as hotpot with a choice of herbal and spicy broth.

Hoo Yee Kee Food Stall

Cuisines Chinese Non-Halal
Business Hour operates almost 24x7, 365 days a year

However, when we tasted the soup, it was a bit on the sweet side. I actually prefer the soup at Jalan Penchala which oddly enough did not smell as good. So sometimes the smell is not a perfect indicator.

Restoran Khong Kee

Top 500 Restaurants in Johor
Cuisines Chinese Non-Halal

Yap Yin Restaurant & Bak Kut Teh

Cuisines Chinese Non-Halal

Yap Yin’s famous Steamed Sang Yu (Snakehead).

Simon’s Delight coffee shop

Cuisines Chinese Non-Halal
Business Hour Open 11am to 1pm. Closed every second Tuesday of the month.

Ah Lek, the stall owner was formerly from Restoran Intan in Section 17, this guy is quite a show off especially when he cooks the noodle-flipping and tossing it (watch the video clip). He even told me that his customers called him "Char Siew King".

low.b.leong posted 474 Reviews