Michelangelo's Italian Kitchen

Cuisines Western Italian

Will i return? Probably- i want to try their prawn pasta and when i do not want to pay nerovivo prices.

neko1712 posted neko-no-hime.blogspot.com 145 Reviews

Brussels Beer Cafe

Cuisines Western

Carbonara Spaghetti - 推荐! Creamy pasta with pork bacon top with Parmesan Cheese

masako7179 posted princessmasako80.blogspot.com 286 Reviews

Rainforest Bistro and Cafe

Cuisines Western

Food price are okay~

taufulou posted www.taufulou.com 674 Reviews


Cuisines Western

The Honey Bread has a nice texture, a crisp outer layer and soft insides. This was really tasty and something one should try at Caffebene.

WMW posted ugwug.blogspot.com 287 Reviews

Ireland's Potato

Cuisines Western

It was quite big in serving if considered as snack and I bet you won't feel hungry throughout your movie time even you treat this snack as light dinner.

summerkid posted summerkid123.blogspot.com 235 Reviews

Republic Bar

Cuisines Western


Cuisines Western
Business Hour 10am-10pm

The total damage of that stick of ice-cream? RM8.90 because the flavour was considered a 'Premium', RM1 for the half-dip and RM1 for the toppings, bringing the total to RM10.90 before tax.

dropsofcontentment posted dropsofcontentment.blogspot.com 144 Reviews

myBurgerLab Sunway

Cuisines Western Burger
Business Hour Mon-Sun: 11:00am till 10:15pm (last call) Closed First Monday of the month.