Shamelin Barbeque Restaurant, Cheras

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Business hours: 11am–3pm, 6pm–10.30pm

Little Penang Kafe 小槟城美食馆

Cuisines Local

My last visit to Little Penang in Mid Valley Shopping Centre was in year 2012. It was with my colleagues. And the recent visit was with my brother. We both ordered noodles.

liyenz posted 52 Reviews

Sin Lai Ping

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour (Closed every alternate Sunday)

If you love this kind of food, this place is a must try for you if you have not already.

Josarine posted 37 Reviews

Y E Traditional Dumplings

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Mon-Sat 10am - 11pm; Public Holiday & Sun 10am-7pm

Pu Yuan Restaurant (檏苑小食馆)

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 11.30am – 3.00pm, 6.00pm – 10.00pm. Closed on alternate Thursdays.

if you haven’t tasted the noodles at Pu Yuan, then you haven’t tasted what’s a real Hokkien style of fried noodles is.

Motormouth posted 552 Reviews

SekMeChoy Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Lunch and Dinner only

Tel: +6012-9777956 / +603-62627956


锡米才盐焗鸡 首先登场的是完整呈现正宗身份的“锡米才”盐焗鸡。所谓正宗,并非以客家盐焗鸡为本,而是锡米才在80年代,神之来笔所研发出来的新意。 锡米财的盐焗鸡,显然与传统的大不相同,它结合了客家盐焗鸡的盐香与福建麻油鸡的姜辣,即在传统盐焗鸡的制程基础上,先把鸡只涂盐风干两次,再将麻油炒香的调味姜末塞进鸡肚,并前后放进两个剥壳熟蛋,以防盐焗时鸡只流出。 更精彩的就是以一大片荷叶来取代纱纸,并在外围裹上一层锡箔纸后,才埋进由柴火烧热的粗盐中焖烧一小时,用意在于使鸡汁不易透过纱纸而被盐吸收,虽减少传统盐烧香味,却保留了肉质鲜嫩,更闻得丝丝荷香。 融会贯通创意菜 我问“锡米才”的第二传人曾立萍,有关这盐焗鸡的“源起”,她直说那是父亲曾建才当年常做来配酒的最爱。由于“锡米才”曾在雪隆地区拥有多家锡矿场,生性喜酒知食,闲来常向各矿场的伙头将军交流厨艺,各取所长,融会贯通,自然习得一些引以为豪的拿手创意菜。 当1986年锡价狂泻至谷底之际,纵使他依依不舍,但还得挥别营了大半辈子的锡矿业而另谋出路,于是便想起了这些“配酒菜”,毅然放下身段以“锡米才胡椒肉骨茶”为招牌开起餐馆。 无聊坚持只为复活古早味 为何是“护驾肉骨茶” 呢?开朗的曾立萍并不讳言这绝非其父亲首创,因为新加坡早就有了胡椒版本,而是由于锡米财的体质不宜多吃药材,于是便从胡椒汤中加以改良,研发出加入陈皮调味的独家口味,并从开业之初就使用气压锅来烹煮,以求减少肉汁的流失。 记得在四年前,全国20大肉骨茶王选拔赛中,我和其他两位评审都一致将“锡米才” 给圈入名单。当时的理由,不外乎其肉骨茶有别于一般常见的福建是肉骨茶的浓郁,或是潮州式的清淡,其最大特色在于胡椒汤汁中,巧妙地放入少许药材便能调配得宜,辣得精彩,又回韵深邃,树立了显明个性。 通常肉骨茶所配搭的不是油饭便是芋头饭,而“锡米才” 提供的,却是福建人的另种咸饭“芥菜饭”,米饭中加入蒜米,瘦肉,猪油渣,虾米,和芥菜焖煮而成,充满古早味。此外,那工序繁多,蒸上九个小时的梅菜扣肉,更是热卖排名第二的镇店佳肴。 事先预定才能吃到 这回,曾丽萍还特别向我介绍了“胡椒生焗鸡”和刚研发推出的“上堂花腩褒”。前者将全鸡放入胡椒肉骨茶汤中,以气压锅焖煮而成,吃得出马来走地鸡的肉质鲜美,辛辣适口,光是汤汁已是一只鸡的精华!至于后者则特地维持不了胡椒辛辣的朋友而设,特地放入篸须和枸杞,配上爽脆的花腩薄片,是不错的选择。 我走到厨房后放的空地上,看见曾丽萍示范如何制作盐焗鸡。烈日当空,只见有汽油桶改造成的简陋炉子上,架着一填满粗盐的大铁锅,而下方炉里的木板正燃起熊熊烈火……我突然想通了,为何“锡米才” 只有周六日才有盐焗鸡供市,而且还要事先预订才能吃到。倏然想起刚才很冒犯的问曾丽萍,自从去年“锡米才”病逝后有何感悟? 只见她沉寂,接着脱口而出:以前觉得父亲那些无聊的坚持,现在却轮到自己同样无聊的坚持着,想尽办法让那份古早味为复活过来……

georgie.sekmechoy posted

Uncle Jang

Cuisines Korean
Business Hour Mon :12:00 pm - 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm Tue :6:00 pm – 11:00 pm, Wed – Fri : 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Upon entering the restaurant, i noticed each table has a hot plate on it. The tables were divided into two: one low enough that allows us to sit on the floor and eat, and another for us to sit on the chair. We sat, a bottle of water was brought to our table, and we began placing our orders. We ordered hot plate chicken (minimum of 2 persons, so we chose one Original and one Spicy) and Ramen noodles. See blog for more!

WACK posted 41 Reviews


Cuisines North Indian

Price is slightly expensive compared to normal indian restaurants. Food is good, but portion may be a bit small. Nice cozy restaurant for a quiet dinner.


Tucked away at the far end of Publika, this Northern Indian Cuisine restaurant is cozy and serves many different types of Indian food (more than 170+ items on theire menu!)

lisanoms posted 8 Reviews

Geographic Adventurer Restaurant

Cuisines International

Exceptional Geographic Adventurer concept brings various of interior designs and conceptual living habits around the world to give an experience of different ambience and exposure or enhancement of knowledge to the geographic's world. Alongside, Geographic Adventurer also serve a variety of signature food around the world. Geographic Adventurer offers innovative foods that are fresh, flavorful and extraordinary. Geographic Adventurer are committed to utilizing fresh ingredients including our live lobsters and oysters.

geographer.adv posted

ARCH Cafe Kuala Lumpur

Business Hour 7AM - 7PM

Enjoy the Lee family's own well-kept recipes such as Hainanese Chicken Chop, Malaya Nasi Lemak and Chicken Rice Balls in an Art-Deco setting. Andrew Lee, the Founder of ARCH, established Kuala Lumpur City Gallery and created the iconic I ♥ KL structure at DataranMerdeka, where the gallery stands. Andrew, together with his family, started ARCH Café to revive their family’s own well-kept recipes such as the signature Hainanese Chicken Chop, Malaya Nasi Lemak and Chicken Rice Balls while new innovations such as the Durian Pancake has become a popular sought-after delicacy. The cafe’s embellishments are inspired by the ambience of Old Market Square in the 1930’s during the Art-Deco era. The Lee family welcomes you to ARCH Café, where they provide an authentic palate experience for every patron.

La Manila Cafe

Cuisines Local

This cafe serves super delicious Char Kuey Teow and cakes.

Overall, lunch set di La Manila value for money dan memang sesuai kalau sekadar untuk hilangkan rasa lapar.

d_luaz posted

Twentyone Kitchen and Bar

Cuisines Western

The restaurant separate to 2 part which is kitchen and bar. Kitchen for dining and bar for drink at upstairs. Location easily be found.

cecilia_qianqian posted 56 Reviews

Red Yeast Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Tue – Thurs : 9.30 am – 5.3o pm / Fri : 9.30 am – 1.00 pm / Sat : 9.30 am – 5.30 pm / Sun : 9.00 am – 1.00 pm

Red Yeast Restaurant is the brain child of this doctor, hoping that he can promote wellness via healthy food (no msg, no preservatives). Red Yeast located 1 block away from his clinic is providing truely awesome healthy food, down to the last drop, if I may say. Food ingredients are from healthy and clean sources (organic) and is cooked with Chinese traditional herbs to provide you with supplements to your body. Oh… I should not miss out that it taste good too.