Restaurants in George Town @ Geogetown – 340 Restaurants
Bangkok Lane Mee Goreng
WillyWah posted 203 ReviewsMahboob除了炒出一盘盘让人垂涎欲滴的炒面外,你也许可以试试他的Mee Rebus,也是一样让你吃出美好的滋味。
It’s a one pot meal which is similar to Chinese Steamboat style of eating. The main ingredient is thinly sliced beef simmered in sukiyaki sauce. Other ingredients such as few types of vegetables, enoki mushrooms, onion, tofu and japanese glass noodles are too put in a pot together with the sukiyaki sauce.
Reanaclaire posted 133 ReviewsIndeed a very ravishing dinner that leave our tummies fully Full!
Seed Natural Food Cafe
sunflower posted 280 Reviews厌倦了自己大吃大喝的习惯吗?不妨过来种籽蔬食让自己的胃来点低负担的又不失美味的食物吧。哦,忘了说,下次我想吃擂茶。看起来感觉还不错~
Tan Jetty Thai Food
enqvist posted 222 ReviewsGreen Papaya Kelabu is very crunchy and appetizing. Green papaya, carrot, onion and dried shrimp top with sweet and sour sauce.
Constant Gardener Coffee
jazz posted 190 Reviews店家告诉我们他是一个疯子因为他售卖一杯咖啡的成本来得比任何人还高因为他坚持使用好的咖啡豆也坚持使用本地咖啡烘焙师烘焙的咖啡豆
Das Rad Cafe
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsThe real bomb of the day was Kaiserchmarrn, a common shredded Pancakes with Austrian-Germany origin (very rare in Penang though). By the look of it, it gives us a promising fluffy-soft texture; served with home-made Apple sauce.
Vietnamese Classic Sandwich Cafe
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsThe place is manned by a few Vietnamese, with one staff speaks indistinctly in Mandarin.
Route 9
sunflower posted 280 Reviews简单来说,Route 9 给我们的感觉,价钱便宜食物水准很高。极力推荐~~
Mon Delice Pattiserie
WillyWah posted 203 Reviews对我而言,甜得发腻的蛋糕是我最抗拒的,再来就是香得太假的蛋糕也是我最讨厌的,偏偏城中好吃的蛋糕却没有几家。幸运的是,我找到了一家能够让我为之醉心的烘培店 – Mon Delice。
Lebuh Clarke Koay Teow Th'ng
jazz posted 190 Reviews这里最特别的就是有鸡血还有猪脚筋丸
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TheYumList posted 552 Reviewscosy café full of character; interesting twists in the beverage menu; good value meals; Toddy Mojito; Cranberry Butter Cookie.
Street Art Cafe
enqvist posted 222 ReviewsThe restaurant has very nice “Graffiti”. “BOJIO”
Wallpaper Eat Drink & Indulge
enqvist posted 222 ReviewsAs the name suggest “Wallpaper”, the restaurant is fill up with so many different texture of wallpaper across the wall.
Lameizi Restaurant Sdn. Bhd.辣妹子
taufulou posted 674 ReviewsIts a pretty good place for steamboat if you are willing to dig a bit more into your pocket.
Smoky Jack Ribs & Steakhouse
This restaurant is famous for its ribs and steak.
Sophie Tay posted 69 Reviews环境优美、人潮不多、食物好吃、价钱中等、服务又好,是一个值得去的地方。