Coffee, Western Restaurants in Petaling Jaya - Editor's Recommendations – Editor's Pick, based on foodies' reviews
Good Friends Restaurant & Cafe
Located in the bustling SS15, good friends is a warm, homey, friendly lifestyle restaurant and café for those who want to have a healthy approach to food and eating better. The idea behind Good Friends is simple: to please your palate and provide you with great food made from scratch, from soup, pasta meat sauce to homemade desserts and cakes made by hand in our kitchen. Good Friends isn’t only about food, we help people live better lives. We love to create events that bring community together. Here at Good Friends, we believe in pampering our patrons with the finer things in life -- delectable cuisine, music, the arts. What better way to do it than over a good cuppa coffee with loved ones and Good Friends!
cecilia_qianqian posted 56 ReviewsSuperbWhat do you think if a place that specially for good friend hangout and gathering all day? Realized another restaurant is open at SS15 and definitely a good place for a long talk with good friend! Like their baked eggs and do try it!
The Good Batch
The Good Batch - Purveyors of all the good things in life.
Su Fen posted 153 ReviewsI personally think it is a nice place to hangout with your friends. Overall food was not bad, they serve mainly on bread & egg, more suitable for breakfast or brunch.
Coffee Famille 咖啡家
咖啡家希望可以給城市人一個家的感覺。來到這裡,你可自由走動,參觀,喝咖啡之於也很歡迎你找我們聊天,就像回到自己的家一樣,親切,舒服。臨走前記得買單就可以了。^ ^ Coffee Famille is here to provide you a feeling at HOME while having a good cup in hand. In here, you may wander about, look around, free to talk, chat non-stop, just like at home.
ckiong posted 6 ReviewsSuperb喜歡他們的佈置和裝璜﹐尤其是店裡那兩面畫滿了壁畫的牆。其中有一幅畫畫了一朵下雨的雲﹐ 而店主在那幅畫的下面放了一個裝雨傘的籃子﹐ 現實與壁畫相呼應﹐還蠻有趣的。