Popular Restaurants in Butterworth, Penang – People's favourite
Zi Wei Yuan Steamboat (紫薇園魚頭火炭爐)
They have many sets of steamboat to choose, for example the one that we ordered was fried fish head (炸魚爐), they also have Grouper (石斑魚爐) steamboat, mixed steamboat (什料爐).
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews来试试经过白色汤头洗礼的炸鱼肉和芋头吧。
Ong Cheng Huat Seafood 王清发海鲜
It's a popular place to dine out for its specialty dishes. More and more people visiting to this place after it appeared in Taste With Jason.
Motormouth posted www.j2kfm.com 552 ReviewsThe restaurant has this very similar set up to Sitiawan seafood restaurants; vast seating capacity with round tables that can fit an extended family comfortably, high ceiling to generate a sense of space and airiness (you definitely need the latter, as there is no air-conditioning here), and selection of simple Chinese cooking (only a few dishes available daily, I will go more into that later) served with a refreshing albeit slightly intoxicating coconut wine or toddy.