Western Restaurants in Kuala Lumpur – 1480 Restaurants
NAKED Restaurant & Bar
TheYumList posted theyumlist.blogspot.com 552 ReviewsReason to visit: awesome cocktails with a slight twist; Spinach Reggiano; Romaine Emperor; Naked House Cod Fillet; option to dress (or undress) your salads and burgers to personal preference.
Savaro by Felda
kelvintan3 posted www.ktheblogger.com 81 ReviewsSavaro by Felda being a restaurant that serves a mixture of Western and Asian cuisines.
Plan B
suyee posted su-yee.blogspot.com 402 Reviewsone of my favourtite dish in plan b is grilled egg plant, capsicum and feta cheese salad. yummy must have
Beard Papa’s Cream Puff
The cream is not heavy. It won't make you feel pukey. It’s not super sweet, nor super greasy. It's superb yummy. Heard that people are queueing up to buy this, but it's not that popular here in Malaysia yet.

Max! Kitchen and Wines
The fruity cocktail was rather delicious and addictive. The food at Max! truly wonderful and the desserts nice.
Ma Maison
French cuisine in an unassuming location, excellent service, and beautiful food
neko1712 posted neko-no-hime.blogspot.com 145 ReviewsDefinitely worth a visit again and ... i will be more realistic.
Flamenco Restaurant & Bar
The First Spanish Mediterranean Restaurant in Malaysia
CCFoodTravel posted ccfoodtravel.com 498 ReviewsFlamenco gets its paella right, too, serving salty, ample portions of seafood – a good mix of mussels, clams, shrimp, chicken, and vegetables but the only grouse from Eat Drink KL was was too little rice came with this classic dish.
ericyong77 posted eforericyong.blogspot.com 337 ReviewsI am always a fan of KL Hilton's awesome restaurants - and this one is amongst the better ones!