Tong Kei Fish Head Noodles

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 8 am to 3 pm (Fish Head Bee Hoon) 5:30 pm to 11 pm (Chu Char dishes) Opens Daily.

The setting of the place is however, simple and without unnecessary frills; a decent place to get a quick fix.

Kenhuntsfood posted 780 Reviews

Kedai Kopi Kong Thai Lai

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. Closed on Sundays.

The Coffee House is beautifully preserved; guests seemed to enjoy their cup of Joe quietly reading newspaper while some happily discussed on the current issues happening in the country.

Kenhuntsfood posted 780 Reviews

Air Itam Laksa

Cuisines Chinese

The RM4.00 per bowl is quite small in size. I like the light soup but sis claim it is tasteless. Personally quite enjoy this version of assam laksa. A lot of people claim it lost their UMMPHH after becoming popular.

Pohkemon posted 197 Reviews

Pavilion Coffee 三禾轩咖啡馆

Cuisines Coffee Cafe Chinese
Business Hour Mon: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Tue - Sun: 11:30 am - 10:00 pm

Interior decoration, by the way they do provide hostel service for pretty reasonable price.

enqvist posted 222 Reviews

Jalan Murthy Yam Rice

Cuisines Chinese

The meal was superb and was glad that they enjoyed them!

ojsiew posted 633 Reviews

Sweet Hut

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour weekdays: 1300 – 0030 weekends: 1300 – 0100 closed on every Monday

Baked Marquis Chocolate Pudding with Cookies Ice-Cream, when cut through the chocolate it slowly drip out and chocolate has slightly bitter taste which goes well with the ice cream.

enqvist posted 222 Reviews

Kedai Makan Golden City

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 2pm - 11pm (星期一休息)

能够说的是,吃完了这一顿晚餐,我俩的肚子都撑得大大的, 得去古迹区散步了两个小时才消除了一些些的罪恶感。

sunflower posted 280 Reviews

Ah Soon Char Koay Teow

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 9am - 5pm,星期二休息

Ah Soon Char Koay Teow home delivery on wheels (Tanjung Bungah area only)- just like what those fast food guys are doing!!

个人觉得炭炒的果条无论如何都少不了一股特别的香味, 是镬气也是炭香吧。

sunflower posted 280 Reviews

Balik Pulau Lodge 客家山寨

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Tue-Sun 10am-5pm, Lunch 11.30am-3pm

Overall, we were satisfied with our trip to Balik Pulau Lodge. Before leaving, make sure to take some photos with mural arts there.

noweating posted 370 Reviews

Uncle Chee Muah Chee

Cuisines Chinese

Serving 4 different flavor of Muah Chee, which is Original, Yam, Corn and Pandan. Orignal RM3.50 while the rest RM4.

enqvist posted 222 Reviews

Leisure Forest 丛林缘休闲餐馆

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Tue – Sun 1130am – 9pm


WillyWah posted 203 Reviews

Wellness Recipe Cafe 康宁绿色生活馆

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 10am - 9pm (周日休息)


sunflower posted 280 Reviews

Xin Giap Cafe 新业茶餐室

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 7am至卖完为止 (星期日休息)

味道方面呢,向日葵个人觉得汤头还是奶奶福建面的略胜一筹, 不过呢,烧肉、虾子等等配料足以弥补了汤头里的些些不足。 最重要的是,个人觉得物有所值。

sunflower posted 280 Reviews


Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 9am-11pm (全年无休)

用餐的环境很舒适,是间很有味道的老屋子。 有空的话,不妨去试试看这个档口的福建面是不是你心目中的最爱之一?

sunflower posted 280 Reviews

D’ Piaza Mall

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 11am-3pm//6pm-10pm 星期一休息


WillyWah posted 203 Reviews