Chinese Restaurants in – 6347 Restaurants
Tong San (東山) posted 169 ReviewsNevertheless, if you are around the neighborhood, dining alone or with a group looking for a simple meal at a clean coffee shop, TS is worth a try as the prices here are reasonable.
Taipang Matang Seafood Porridge Restaurant
kvinlim posted 99 ReviewsSo strongly recommended for Teochew Styled Seafood Porridge in this restaurant. I did a search and they are really origin from Taipang Matang, Perak. Venturing so far into the heart of KL and maintaining that good quality of food, that's great.
Restoran Tai Ka Lok
ojsiew posted 633 ReviewsThe dishes that we ordered are quite the same as previously as these are the items that we like.
Nu Er Hong
annna posted 230 ReviewsSpecially recommended and perfect to tease your taste buds.
Kedai Makanan & Minuman Chop Beeng Cheong
lushia posted 90 ReviewsDeliciously grilled chicken wings. Well seasoned with five spice powder grilled till perfection. Tasteful!
ojsiew posted 633 ReviewsOverall the dimsum items were delicious.
Restaurant Crocodile Farm
YouHadYourLunch posted 208 ReviewsCrocodile Farm is something special, and I urge you to go soon because, deep down, I fear that it won’t be too long until the ‘development’ crocs get their jaws on this lovely patch of green.
Kedai Masakan Itik Taika Huat 八里半大家发鸭肉
nikelkhor posted 486 ReviewsOverall, the foods here are not so impressed. The other famous braised duck in Skudai which I posted before is much more better. Sorry but to say this is the place I will not re-visit.
Restaurant Sunny Seafood
When2Meets2 posted 182 Reviews这里的菜式整体上来说中规中矩,食物的味道不错,价格一般,除了肉蟹我个人觉得有些小贵之外,一切都很均匀。但若说有什么很特别令我想再度光顾的话,又没有一道菜式能让我留下深刻的印象。
Kim Lian Kee Hokkien Mee (金莲记) posted 169 ReviewsPlace is clean and windy but parking can be a little tricky here as it’s just by the main road. You may park at the back lane though where parking space is ample.
May Chixuan Restaurant
perutbesi posted 230 ReviewsThis place will certainly be a place I would recommend for a good Chinese meal, especially for their variety of preparation styles for the crabs.

Dragon Tiger Gate Charcoal Hotpot 龍虎門
annna posted 230 ReviewsOverall, the price is reasonable for the various choices and freshness offered.
18茶餐室正宗怡保河粉 Kedai kopi 18
When2Meets2 posted 182 Reviews尝试过他们家的炸云吞也是很不错的哟,可以点来试试看! 建议尽早来这里享用他们家的美食哦,因为近下午三四点的时候, 很多东西都卖完了后,店家就会开始收档了。