Restoran Lou Wong Tauge Ayam Kuetiau 老黄芽菜鸡沙河粉

Top 50 Restaurants in Perak
Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Opens for lunch and dinner daily. Days off not sure. 早上10时-凌晨2时

There were few famous Ngah Choi Kai Sar Hor Fun in Ipoh


Soft, tender and succulent steamed chicken yet abit oily. The hor fun soup is very flavorful.

carene19 posted 90 Reviews

Onn Kee Bean Sprout Chicken 安记芽菜鸡

Top 50 Restaurants in Perak
Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Opens for lunch and dinner (about 10-11am onwards, until about 1-2am)

Oon Kee Chicken Rice is well known for its tender chicken meat and the freshness of the chicken.

The chicken is nothing much to shout about now as it is no longer as nice as those days when I am here.

pamela_ybc posted 997 Reviews

Restoran Tuck Kee 德记炒粉店

Top 100 Restaurants in Perak
Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Opens from 5pm onwards until late night. Off days not fixed. Call to confirm.

Located at Jalan Yau Tet Shin, this restaurant stands at the same row with the famous Lou Wong Bean Sprouts Chicken, attracting many tourists and Ipohians at night, especially during long holidays.

Cheryl Chan Photography posted 81 Reviews

Comeson Restaurant

Top 500 Restaurants in Perak
Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 7am – 11am (or until sold out) Off on Sundays.

You MUST try this because the char siew has flavours locked perfectly in it and create strong texture when paired with the springy noodles. Very titillating!

jkdrooling posted 199 Reviews

德盛茶餐室 Restoran Tet Shin

Top 500 Restaurants in Perak
Cuisines Chinese

A Flavoursome Pancake Trader uses pandan juice to make apam balik at his stall in Ipoh . The juice of pandan leaves is squeezed everyday in order to make fresh pandan-flavoured dai gao mee . 独家首创万里望大块面 师父利用最传统的手法每天渣出新鲜的班兰叶汁 , 为了生产最纯正新鲜的大块面 .。师父在面块中间放入大量的花生粒及奶油,甜而不腻,吃起来还能闻到班兰叶的香味。此外,师父采用的所有材料都是低糖,低油及低脂肪,且价钱公道,保证吃了让你垂涎三尺,赞不绝口 !

Restaurant Ong Kee

Top 500 Restaurants in Perak
Cuisines Chinese

Ong Kee which was popular for its taugeh and chicken!


Simple yet delicious food. Steamed chicken was tender and smooth, very tasty.

jowynna posted 9 Reviews

Restoran Wong Tauge Ayam Kuetiao

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 6.30 pm to midnight

Restoran Ong Kee

Cuisines Chinese

The bill came to RM9.60 – a silly cheap price for a taste of heaven – and it was with sadness that I dragged myself out of the charming little restaurant, knowing that Ipoh is, disappointingly, too far away to pop in for a quick dinner.

YouHadYourLunch posted 208 Reviews