Western Restaurants in Malaysia – 3857 Restaurants
大城堡天天茶餐室 Yummy Western Corner
通常煎多利鱼要非常的小心,因为它的肉质松软,一个不小心鱼肉就散了。 店家于是很聪明地用蛋包裹着多利鱼来煎。 一来,解决了鱼肉会松散的问题;二来呢,则增加了整道西餐的香气。 黑椒酱覆盖了多利鱼的腥味,让食客更能享受这道西餐。
Safron cafe
Safron restaurant serves Mediterranean cuisine! The food ROX big time seriously!
Beach Club Cafe
A tropical island retreat is the concept. You have to cross a wooden bridge to get in and once there, it will entice your senses. Picnic benches and long tables are found in this wood-themed outlet. You may find yourself being watched by the giant sharks on display in an aquarium by the bar.
Shangri-la Rasa Ria
masako7179 posted princessmasako80.blogspot.com 286 Reviews吃完後我們就到附近的走走, 我還來不及給你在這裡住一晚, 你就這樣離開了... 我想你!