Restoran Yunus Khan (Jiao Sai, 鳥糞)

Top 500 Restaurants in Penang
Cuisines Local
Business Hour 5pm - 5am

Popularly known as Jiao Sai, the supper spot is renowned for its signature stir-fried and soup based instant noodles.

cklam posted 437 Reviews

Penang Road Famous Teochew Chendul

Top 500 Restaurants in Penang
Cuisines Chinese Local
Business Hour 星期一至星期五 10:30 - 19:00,星期六至星期日 10:00 - 19:30

某人之前尝过 Penang Road Famous Teochew Chendul 在 Paradigm Mall 的分店后,坚持要来这里一试原店的味道。尽管已经槟城各区甚至雪隆一带开了不少分店,但是在这个熟悉的小巷子,槟城人缅怀的潮州煎蕊小车子旁,依旧有着长长的人龙。许多外地的游客还是不辞劳苦地来到这里品尝最正宗的潮州风味。

zappalangzpl posted 74 Reviews

Pasar Air Itam

Top 500 Restaurants in Penang
Cuisines Local
Business Hour 12.00pm to 10pm. Off day Tuesday

Foremost and famous Air Itam Asam Laksa, some claim they are the best in Penang, some even said this is the best Asam Laksa.


The stall which is famous for its authentic asam laksa is situated next to Air Itam market.Each bowl of the asam laksa was packed with big portion of rice noodles, flavourful spicy mackerel based soup, shrimp paste, polygonum leaves, lemongrass, mint leaves and onions.

carene19 posted 90 Reviews

Ivy's Kitchen

Top 500 Restaurants in Penang
Cuisines Malaysian
Business Hour Weekday: 930am - 5pm, 6pm - 930pm. Weekend: 12pm - 5pm, 6pm - 930pm. Closed: 每月第一和第三个星期一.

This shop located at Jalan Chow Thye, is beside Isaribi Tei Japanese Restaurant. Very reasonable price & food portion. This will definately be the best place for lunch for now.

走入室內,發覺餐廳的面積真的不大。右邊兩張小圓形雲石餐桌相互依偎地靠向白色的右牆,還把牆角的精緻桌燈給遮掩了半邊。餐廳左邊則毫無規則地擺著又大又小的圓形餐桌。連同門外的三張餐桌,Ivy's Nyonya Cuisine大概只有不到十個餐座。朱紅色的墻面畫有攀岩植物狀的圖紋,還有一些鑲在鏡框中的圖畫作點綴。由天花板垂吊下來的鳥籠吊燈,甚有美感,可說是店裡最美的擺設了。對著室內用餐區域的小窗口,即是餐廳的櫃檯。在這旁邊,還有一條通往洗手間的小走廊,到處擺滿雜物。顯然的,餐廳的簡約裝潢從不打算譁眾取寵,反而毫無掩飾地保留了家的原貌,飄散著一股親切的味道。


Xiang Yun Vegetarian Hut 香云素食坊

Top 500 Restaurants in Penang
Cuisines Vegetarian Local
Business Hour Fri - Tue : 6:30am - 2:00pm Closed on Wednesday and Thursday

槟城特色素食 - 比荤还美味的素食 Penang Vegetarian

这款充满椰浆香味的咖哩面是出自槟城,烹调结合了本地的香料和中华料理, 精湛的厨艺加上本地香料的加持, 熬煮的咖哩汤底充分发挥出香料和椰浆的搭配。 面条和米粉吸收了香浓的咖哩汤汁, 啖啖都是浓郁的南洋香味, 香云素食坊的咖哩面是最热门的餐食之一, 早起的鸟儿有虫吃, 想吃这碗热辣辣香浓咖哩面就要早点来哦。


Back Home 回家书坊

Top 500 Restaurants in Penang
Business Hour Tue : 5:30pm - 10:00pm Wed - Sun : 11:00am - 10:00pm Closed on Monday

A cozy place for you the enjoy reading, gathering, picnic, BBQ or even just enjoy a cup drink Hundreds of books provided in Back Home.

脱了鞋子进去,左边是一排书架,右边是一排沙发,咖啡桌,中间有道矮矮的木制装饰篱笆; 地毯好像草地一样! 我家小子最爱室内那青色仿草的地毯了! 上次去看小丁当展览,几乎赖在公园的草地不走了.


Ah Teik's Durian Stall

Top 500 Restaurants in Penang
Cuisines Local

This stall is located right beside the Sun Yat Sen building in Lorong Susu/Mccalister Road.

Super Tanker Food Court Aki Pancake Stall

Top 500 Restaurants in Penang
Cuisines Malaysian
Business Hour 8.30am-lunch, 6-10pm

Fantastic!!! I loved it!!! There are lots of other pancake stalls that started copying them but none as good as Aki Pancake. Their convention-defying pancakes which are loaded with all sorts of un-traditional fillings like pineapple, tom yam, red bean, turkey ham.


applefish posted 192 Reviews

Food Court Queensbay Mall, Penang

Cuisines Local

Queensbay Mall as usual like other big malls is having big makan makan place.. de food court.. where u can find many local delicious food.

The pastry skin on the chicken pie was quite thick. I still prefer the pie from Pie Harbour @ Gurney Paragon as it is more flavourful.

ojsiew posted 633 Reviews

Anba Coconut

Cuisines Local Halal
Business Hour Monday to Saturday. 8am – 7pm

This places sells the normal coconut and also the pandan ones. I suppose they sell coconuts at wholesale too.


When2Meets2 posted 182 Reviews

Long Beach Hawker Center

Cuisines Chinese Local

我们都尝得到食材原本的味道,配上香脆的外皮, 难怪y除了游客之外,也有槟岛子民推荐这档的海南春卷。

sunflower posted 280 Reviews

Coob Coffee Club Cafe

Cuisines Japanese Local

这Fish N Chips好吃哦,鱼肉鲜嫩多汁,不到十分钟,我们就把它吃进胃里了~哈哈

CurryFishHead posted 128 Reviews

S A Kenari Restaurant

Cuisines Malaysian

SA Kenari in Prangin Mall is a good place to go for lunch. You'll get your food in 5 mins.

Sister Yao’s Char Koay Kak (姚氏姐妹炒粿角)

Cuisines Malaysian
Business Hour 7am – 1pm

Well, recently I have dine in twice whereby cooked by different people. First time the CKT is served by the old lady (which is the Sister), maybe she is getting old, so the CKT are not as good as last time. The Char Kuey Teow are quite bland and tasteless. My second visit to Sisters CKT and this time is served by an uncle (which is her brother). The Char Kuey Teow are quite delicious and flavorful

miracle4dream posted 87 Reviews

Lintang Slim Loh Mee (金龙大路后卤面)

Cuisines Malaysian
Business Hour 7am – 4pm (Closed On Thursday)

Small little stall outside the coffee shop. If you notice the price, they're not too expensive.