Chinese, Local Restaurants in Penang – 10 Restaurants
Penang Road Famous Teochew Chendul
zappalangzpl posted 74 ReviewsSuperb某人之前尝过 Penang Road Famous Teochew Chendul 在 Paradigm Mall 的分店后,坚持要来这里一试原店的味道。尽管已经槟城各区甚至雪隆一带开了不少分店,但是在这个熟悉的小巷子,槟城人缅怀的潮州煎蕊小车子旁,依旧有着长长的人龙。许多外地的游客还是不辞劳苦地来到这里品尝最正宗的潮州风味。
Back Home 回家书坊
A cozy place for you the enjoy reading, gathering, picnic, BBQ or even just enjoy a cup drink Hundreds of books provided in Back Home.
posted invisibless2.blogspot.com脱了鞋子进去,左边是一排书架,右边是一排沙发,咖啡桌,中间有道矮矮的木制装饰篱笆; 地毯好像草地一样! 我家小子最爱室内那青色仿草的地毯了! 上次去看小丁当展览,几乎赖在公园的草地不走了.
Long Beach Hawker Center
sunflower posted 280 Reviews我们都尝得到食材原本的味道,配上香脆的外皮, 难怪y除了游客之外,也有槟岛子民推荐这档的海南春卷。
Sin Kheang Aun Restaurant
This restaurant is very popular with the locals and tourists for its Hainanese food and also local dishes. Specialist of this restaurant includes the Curry Gulai Tumis, Kerabu Prawns, Hainanese Pork/Chicken Chop and many other selections of dishes.
Face to Face Noodles House (Prai)
Cosy contemporary setup serving nice easy Chinese and Malaysian fusion food for the family and people on the move at a reasonable price.
Sungai Nibong Hawker Food
The variety of food to choose from is vast, ranging from at least 15-20 stalls. The foodcourt usually starts to get crowded after 6pm, with most of the customers USM students and Bayan Lepas workers.
Claypot Bee Tai Bak
blogalicious posted 34 ReviewsGoodVery starchy sharp fin kind of bee tai bak served in claypot. The soup was well flavored to my liking