向日葵馋嘴日记 by sunflower
Nyonya House
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews这家餐厅给我的感觉:不值得,也不够专业。除了装潢可以说是很有味道之外,基本上觉得食物素质属于中下的。
美香味广潮风味小厨 Restaurant Teow Chew and Canton Food Del
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews这一餐,向妈妈和向妹妹很喜欢这里的白斩鸡。可以看到自己的家人带着满足的心情离开用餐地点,一直是向日葵觉得很开心也很幸福的事。下一次,还要再光顾,我想试试河粉和烧肉。^.^
小陈故事 Chin Boutique Cafe
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews不得不提的是,除了娘惹菜色,小陈故事也提供西餐三文治意大利面咖啡等等的食物饮料。不如有空的时候,过来听听老唱片机如何带你缅怀过去吧。
Raku Maru 樂丸屋
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews虽然用餐环境没有冷气只有偶然出现的自然风,可是却不失为解拉面瘾的不错选择。
Hong Kee Mah Chee 芳记麻芝
To find this place, drive along Jalan Queen in Pasir Pinji. When you see a small stall under a tree and in front of a single-storey house with sloping driveway, you’ve reached your destination.
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews无论如何,芳记花生糊还是值得你腾出胃的一部分空间,把它装回家~~
Sushi Zento
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews用餐完毕,还是觉得每一道食物味道都很不错。 或许下次有机会,来试试这里的生鱼片。^.^
Zakka Loft
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews这家cafe,除了售卖食物之外,当然也售卖许多走zakka风的小包包与小饰品等等。
爱骑车咖啡馆 LP MTB Station
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews这一次的泡咖啡馆,基本上感觉很不错。很喜欢每一次大口大口呼吸的时候飘进体内的浓浓咖啡香,然后静静地享受着这一个悠闲的空间。
孖仔猪肠粉 (Machai Restaurant)
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews厌倦了和一大群的游客抢桌子排队吃饭的窘境吗?不妨舍弃人云亦云的名店,来试试一些小档口带来的惊喜吧~
Sumida Japanese Restaurant
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews小小的餐厅,暖暖的,很有家的感觉。相信,它还会是我常常报到的日本餐厅吧。
JAM Cafe 嘟嘟好
A place that suitable for everyone to enjoy yourself with various type of foods and beverages.
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews这家cafe生意个人觉得不过不失,每一次光顾的时候向日葵都觉得这里是个满清静的用餐地点。试了满多到的食物,不是每一道都十全十美, 可是还是有一些成了心头好。
Zi Wei Yuan Steamboat (紫薇園魚頭火炭爐)
They have many sets of steamboat to choose, for example the one that we ordered was fried fish head (炸魚爐), they also have Grouper (石斑魚爐) steamboat, mixed steamboat (什料爐).
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews来试试经过白色汤头洗礼的炸鱼肉和芋头吧。
美味素食 - Sushi Kitchen
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews虽然没有Sungai Ara店面那般的装潢和摆设,可是大家都是为了这里美味的食物而聚在这里。
Ivy's Kitchen
This shop located at Jalan Chow Thye, is beside Isaribi Tei Japanese Restaurant. Very reasonable price & food portion. This will definately be the best place for lunch for now.
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews阔别三年,很开心地觉得,Ivy's Nyonya Cuisine,仍然是值得我对它念念不忘的一间好餐馆。
海边乐乐 Pantai Lok Lok
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews都说了,因为食材新鲜,所以吃起来都是满满地好味道。