海边乐乐 Pantai Lok Lok

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 晚餐时间至11pm(星期二休息)


sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews

Restaurant Chao Zhou

Cuisines Chinese

We ordered a Fish Head Fried Hor Fun but instead of fish head we were given fish meat (as the fish head is out of stock). This is their signature dish of Restoran Chao Zhou.

hAppYHapPy posted tailim.blogspot.com 740 Reviews

Restoran Kim Sun

Cuisines Asian
Business Hour 10am - 3pm

New Corner Lok Lok 天天新乐乐

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 6pm - 11pm

I personally like it cook with clear soupbase and dip on their special sauce. YUM!

nikelkhor posted www.nikelkhor.com 486 Reviews

Ah Choong Restaurant 亞仲海鮮飯店

Cuisines Chinese