俊凭的声音部落格| Willy's Audio Blog by WillyWah
David Brown's Restaurant
On top of this hill, is a charming restaurant in a bungalow named David Brown’s Restaurant & Tea Terrace. It is a restaurant with indoor and alfresco dining area whereby you can enjoy an afternoon tea along a pond with cool fresh air.
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews怎么说,这里的餐饮价格也不便宜,但是这样的水准,是有点儿没值回票价的感觉。哈哈,如果要来这里吃气氛的话,那我还是想实际一点,我要的是美食。
Tian Ding Xiang 天鼎香
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews餐牌改了,整体看起来比以前更为扎实了,菜色也多了,这是一件令人振奋的事。约了三五知己来带到了天鼎香绝对是为了大快朵颐一番啦! -
Rubin Mardini Café & Restaurant
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews这一餐总共花了大概RM60, 包括两杯冷饮。虽然地点是有点偏僻,但是如果时间允许的话,不妨过来尝尝吧!不错的哟!
Macaron Cafe
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews当然,有些人会认为这蛋糕肯定含有很多人造颜料,但是我觉得吃的是福,偶尔吃一些美丽的食物,其实也不为过啦!
Unique Penang Art Gallery
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews悠闲的环境,浸泡在充满艺术气息的画廊中,人也会多了几分优雅。哈哈!相信我,只要你花点时间在这里,你也一样可以有难忘的经验。
Fullhouse Lifestyle Store and Cafe
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews不过,当然如果是和朋友来这里轻松休闲的话,这里的环境是挺不错的,或者你也想来扮一下贵妇,这里确实很适合哦!哈哈!
The Sire Museum Restaurant
this elegant, charming restaurant serving ‘the best of Old & New World Cuisine’. The name itself ‘Sire’ lulls one into reminiscing of the old English days when one with power and authority were addressed as such.
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews哈哈! 值得推荐就是了!每个人大约平均RM75就可以吃到这么丰盛的一餐了!所以,如果你来到槟城大伯公路,记得过来这家博物院用餐,顺便观赏古董吧!
Goku Raku Ramen
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews总的来说,餐厅是挺舒服的,拉面也不错。如果大家都能跟着他们建议的方式去吃的话,应该可以吃得很开心!值得一试!
Asia Cafe
The chicken was nicely cooked. Not too tough and not too soft. "gam gam hor".
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews看多了这么精彩的寿司,大家不妨也到哪里去尝一尝吧!
Bountiful Kitchen
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews这里我吃到了原有的分量,味道又好,所以才决定召集朋友在这里进行试吃,并推荐给大家。
Western Spice
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews如果你喜欢吃西餐,或是想和另一半浪漫的话,不妨到这里看看哦!
Table Twenty Three
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews总括来说,食物卖相还不错,只是我发现食物的味道很多都是受到酱汁的影响。也许是个人不太爱奶油味,所以太重的奶油味会把我弄得很腻。如果大家有兴趣的话,还是可以去试一试的。
Young Heart Restaurant
Young Heart Restaurant got its name from the plant which have a heart shape leaf. The plant is called the Sweetheart Hoya. Steamed dumplings (jiao zhi) and pan fried dumplings (guo tie) are their speciality. Young Heart serves dishes which are prepared, cooked with care and healthy eating is the main key that is being emphasized here.
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews在这里也提醒大家,来到养生殿记得要喝他们的芦荟饮料,因为这些芦荟乃自家种的,十分难得!
Weissbrau German Bistro & Bar
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 ReviewsWeissbrau 推介的美食目的是为了让顾客们可以探索更多的德国美食。这里所提供之美食都选用了新鲜材料烹调,比如:脆皮猪脚,猪排骨及维也纳炸肉排等其他种类的欧洲美食。
D'DAPOR Express
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews这一餐其实也不算便宜,因为一共花了整RM60左右。其实味道和外面的马来摊子卖的美食也差不了多少,只是,想到环境典雅,食物十分干净,员工也很亲切,这人rm60还算值得。在这里也要说一说服务生的态度,服务生亲切之余,说话语气等都非常有礼貌,值得嘉许!