Wong Poh Seafood Restaurant

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 11.30am – 2.30pm & 5.30pm -11pm

Restoran Wong Poh has been around long enough to have established a reputation for their seafood dishes, especially their Claypot Butter Crabs.

vkeong posted www.vkeong.com 879 Reviews

Restoran Top One

Cuisines Chinese

My family in-laws surely like spicy stuff and they enjoyed this paste very much with the steamed chicken

hAppYHapPy posted tailim.blogspot.com 740 Reviews

Teochew porridge stall @ Sun Fatt Kee Restauran

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Open from 9am–3pm daily. Closed on one or two Thursdays a month, depending on the coffee shop owner.

The porridge is excellent and fitting the Teochew style; boiled to a neither too hard, lumpy nor overly-smooth consistency but you can still taste the texture of each softened grain of rice.

Motormouth posted www.j2kfm.com 552 Reviews

Ding Emperor

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Opens Daily from 5.00pm till midnight

Although the prices at Ding Emperor may seem steeper than the regular steamboat joints, the premium quality and cosy ambience of the place are fair justifications. It’s been marked in my list as a very decent place for steamboat and I’ll certainly be returning!

PureGlutton posted pureglutton.com 234 Reviews

Tim Ho Wan

Cuisines Chinese

Their menu is rather limited maybe for it's exclusiveness.

low.b.leong posted foodbin.blogspot.com 474 Reviews

Dim Sum King vs Steamboat Queen

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour Tue to Sun (10am – 3pm, 5pm – 11pm) Sat to Sun & Public Holiday (9am – 3pm, 5pm – 11pm) Closed on Mondays

Overall, we enjoyed our meal at Dim Sum King vs Steamboat Queen immensely and could not recommend it enough, especially if you love steamboat.

vkeong posted www.vkeong.com 879 Reviews

Tong Pak Fu

Cuisines Chinese

Well, that's not the best dessert you can find in TPF.

EuniceEunny posted www.greentearedbean.com 215 Reviews

Restaurant SzeChuan Da Feng Sho

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 11.30am-3pm, 5.30pm – 11pm

Its still a great shop to come by for a nice decent Sze Chuan food.

taufulou posted www.taufulou.com 674 Reviews

Kedah Assam Laksa stall

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour opens after 7.30pm and doesn't seem to have a fix day for rest.

Medan Selera Jalan Othman

Cuisines Chinese

The little kiosk is being managed by two old Malay couple, the stall is not clean as you can expects but they do have nice malay delights there.

pamela_ybc posted www.malaysianfoodie.com 997 Reviews

Mutiara Damansara BBQ Chicken

Cuisines Chinese

BBQ Chicken used 100% pure olive oil along with 30 natural seasonings, the chicken is marinated before it is fried to a delightful golden brown.

Pohkemon posted pohkemonfooddiary.blogspot.com 197 Reviews

Frankie Char Koay Teow

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 10am – 3pm

Aside from being a tad salty, the CKT was absolutely delicious and deep in flavour. In fact, I’d rank this higher than many already well-known CKT found in PJ.

vkeong posted www.vkeong.com 879 Reviews

Penang White Curry Mee @ Restoran Mayiang Jaya

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 6.30am until sold out (around 2pm)

Overall I’d say this Penang Curry Mee was pretty good (6.5/10) but it might not appeal to those who are looking for the ‘pure white curry mee’ in the sense that the soup has a richer santan taste.

vkeong posted www.vkeong.com 879 Reviews

Tasty BBQ House 臘味無窮

Cuisines Chinese

We were lucky enough to get a batch of freshly roasted siu yoke, even though we visited in the evening.

summerkid posted www.malaysianflavours.com 568 Reviews

Hong Seng Restaurant 鴻誠茶餐室

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 9.30am to 1pm, Best time to go: 10am to 12pm, don't be later than 12.30pm

It's Crispy, Juicy, and Buttery! Not the extremely oily type that we always get in the chicken rice stall. It's very very different and tantalising!

good and reasonable priced ones found in coffee shops are hard to resist.

low.b.leong posted foodbin.blogspot.com 474 Reviews