Restaurants in Penang @ Lebuh Union – 6 Restaurants
Kareem Pasembur Rojak
cklam posted 437 ReviewsDo check out this pasembur stall when you are around the area. Business hours are from late morning till teatime.
Bến Tàu Vietnamese Cuisine
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsThe interior decor is minimalist, with a few basic wooden tables and chairs; fortunately, the restaurant is fully air-conditioned which offers a more comfortable and pleasant ambiance. That, of course, inevitably leads to higher price tags (probably due to location as well).
Union Street Kareem Pasembur
enqvist posted 222 ReviewsAs you can see the portion is big although this pack cost RM7 with extra prawn Fritters but it definitely worth the value. Something worth mention is the prawn Fritters which has so much prawn on top of it and it taste so good. It has the prawn deep fried fragrance and it so crunchy.
D'Dapor Express
D'DAPOR Express
WillyWah posted 203 Reviews这一餐其实也不算便宜,因为一共花了整RM60左右。其实味道和外面的马来摊子卖的美食也差不了多少,只是,想到环境典雅,食物十分干净,员工也很亲切,这人rm60还算值得。在这里也要说一说服务生的态度,服务生亲切之余,说话语气等都非常有礼貌,值得嘉许!
Sophie Tay posted 69 Reviews如果你们有经过那里,不妨进去喝一杯,或者也可以和朋友们聚聚.