Japanese Restaurants in Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory (Kuala Lumpur Wilayah Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur) – 342 Restaurants
The Bowls
“To become the most admirable F&B brand in the world”, this is The Bowls vision. Our business idea is “to define the taste that changes lives ”.We work hard to achieve quality at affordable prices for our customers through serving wholesome food which are carefully designed by the team using minimal processed ingredients and with customers' nutritional needs in consideration. Our vision also goes beyond food and beverage. We want to make every mouthful a happiness for all people impacted by our business.
Sushi Mentai
位于 Sri Petaling 的这家 Sushi Mentai 和我所吃过的其他分行比较不一样,这里的寿司选择较多,素质也比较保证。想享受超廉价的寿司,不妨到访这家位于 Sri Petaling 的 Sushi Mentai 吧~
Minamotonoya 源の屋
这里都很强调和谐度,在喧闹的城市里找到一个这样清静的咖啡馆,非常好!且店里不断的播着宫崎骏漫画里的音乐,很能让人放松。看到网友 comment 说,原来水麻糬叫作水信玄饼,本人又长了点见识了。
Taishojin Japanese Restaurant
Menya Zen Japanese Noodle
店家所呈现的 Onsen Tamago Soba 非常的吸引人,煮得刚好够熟的温泉蛋上撒了一些 Chili Flakes 和黑芝麻,为这道面增添了一些色彩。 Onsen Tamago Soba 的配料让人惊喜! 有萝卜泥,海苔,切得漂亮的青葱和让人惊艳的山葵 (Wasabi)。 是不是很特别呢,本人从来没吃过面里拌有山葵,这家是第一次! 我们把温泉蛋,配料和荞麦面混合在一起吃,味道出乎意料的好! 一入口,面带有很香浓的山葵味道但是吃起来并不觉得辣。
Sushi Zento 膳户
Sushi Zento 的定价属于高价位,但是食物的水平实在是让人很失望。 而且,员工的素质也有待加强,我们只是要点餐就叫了侍应生3,4次,还得等个10分钟才可以点餐。 http://bmf0827.blogspot.my/2015/08/sri-petaling-sushi-zento.html