Restaurants in Persiaran Mahogani @ Kota Damansara – 6 Restaurants
Coffee Famille 咖啡家
咖啡家希望可以給城市人一個家的感覺。來到這裡,你可自由走動,參觀,喝咖啡之於也很歡迎你找我們聊天,就像回到自己的家一樣,親切,舒服。臨走前記得買單就可以了。^ ^ Coffee Famille is here to provide you a feeling at HOME while having a good cup in hand. In here, you may wander about, look around, free to talk, chat non-stop, just like at home.
ckiong posted 6 ReviewsSuperb喜歡他們的佈置和裝璜﹐尤其是店裡那兩面畫滿了壁畫的牆。其中有一幅畫畫了一朵下雨的雲﹐ 而店主在那幅畫的下面放了一個裝雨傘的籃子﹐ 現實與壁畫相呼應﹐還蠻有趣的。
Terrace Arms
This Steak & Grill house serves one of the finest steak in town with it's unique home-made sauces and a fine selection of wines. The pastas and spaghetti are also served with perfection in taste together with the bruschettas to complement the Italian food list. It's bar serves all types of beer and liquor with a happy hour price all night on the beer selection.
Luscious Delight
Stall located at The Red Carpet Avenue, The Strand Kota Damansara during Red Carpet Weekend Bazaar 12 pm-9pm or refer to FB page for updated locations at other events.

Asia Cafe
nikelkhor posted 486 ReviewsThe cafe is located just next to Tune Hotels Kota Damansara, at Persiaran Mahogani. Parking is currently free!
Hailam Kopitiam
small kucing posted 554 ReviewsMy bowl of clear soup noodle. Mamarazzi plate of Nasi Lemak with Ayam Rendang. Papa's plate of Chicken Chop.