JL Gourmet

Cuisines Western
Business Hour 11am to 9pm, Daily.

Price-wise, was just okay, if you opt for the steak or chef's specialties, it will be on the expensive side, but if you choosing the set meal, then its definitely worth the value that you are paying. Service was okay

Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 Reviews


Cuisines Chinese

Old Street Taiwanese Delicacies

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 11:00am - 3:00pm; 5:00pm - 9:30pm; Closed on Monday.


sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews

Khun De Thai Restaurant

Cuisines Thai
Business Hour 11.30am - 2.30pm; 5.30pm - 10.00pm Daily

As the name of the restaurant suggested, the place serves Thai food with affordable prices.

Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 Reviews

Karen Kitchen

Cuisines Western
Business Hour Mon - Sunday, 11am-3pm, 5.30pm-9.30pm (Closed on Thursday)

Xin Lai Lai Food Court

Cuisines Chinese

The mixed pork soup really taste good and there are lots of ingredients like pig spare parts and meat balls. The sauce is a mixed of dark soy, soy sauce and chilly. Dipping the mixed pork into the sauce even make it better taste. The yam rice served are warm and rich in aroma. Very delicious and full!...

miracle4dream posted www.paupaudreamland.com 87 Reviews

Dome Cafe

Cuisines Western

The food was actually all berry decent, just that the pricing is on the pricier side. not really wallet-friendly for student like me

Constance Ant posted constance-ant.com 125 Reviews

Lighthouse Coffee

Cuisines Western
Business Hour Mon-Thur : 9am-7.30pm; Fri & Sat, : 9am-10pm; Sun : 9am-7.30pm

I got my choice of best coffee in Penang here, to date.

Chiariyees posted chiariyees-coffeebread.blogspot.com 197 Reviews

Marshall’s Burger

Cuisines Western
Business Hour Tue – Thu: 5 pm – 11pm Fri: 5pm – 12pm Sat – Sun: 12pm – 12am

这是一家burger 专卖店。Marshall's店内有冷气,装修得蛮有风味,店员也很和善。这是自助式的店,所以得先看好墙上的Menu,到柜台付钱。店员会按照你的帐单号码用墙上的显示器(就像银行一样)来通知你食物好了,可以来接收了。

zappalangzpl posted zap-pa-lang.blogspot.com 74 Reviews

Liva Seafood Restaurant @ Weld Quay

Cuisines Chinese

The meehun came with piquant and adequate moisture.

blogalicious posted crispoflife.blogspot.com 34 Reviews

Sugar Honey

Cuisines Western Cafe
Business Hour Monday to Thursday: 12pm to 10pm Friday to Sunday: 12pm to 12am Closed on Tuesdays

服务生续介绍他们的second best seller就是Earl Grey Tea蛋糕,满特别的口味,但我点了比较冷门的Crepe Cake Heritage Cendol,服务生告知仅此这家有售卖Cendol千层糕。

applefish posted www.applefish.net 192 Reviews

Snowman Tang Bo Fu 糖伯府港式糖水屋

Cuisines Chinese
Business Hour 11am – 1am (Daily)

For those who never try out Snowman Tang Bo Fu, do give it a try. You will not regret after all.

allenooi posted yummy-station.com 73 Reviews