Western Restaurants in Penang @ Butterworth – 21 Restaurants
JAM Cafe 嘟嘟好
A place that suitable for everyone to enjoy yourself with various type of foods and beverages.
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews这家cafe生意个人觉得不过不失,每一次光顾的时候向日葵都觉得这里是个满清静的用餐地点。试了满多到的食物,不是每一道都十全十美, 可是还是有一些成了心头好。
Marlons +Co. The Coffee Bar
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews我们简单地点了几种寿司,味道向日葵也是觉得没有特别觉得特出之处。
Artichoke Cafe
Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 ReviewsAnother new addition to the exciting cafe scene at Butterworth- Artichoke Cafe, is not an ordinary cafe next door. It does have something solid and sturdy to offer.
Gathers Cafe
我們 Gathers Cafe 以咖啡,手工列日鬆餅及甜點為主。
taufulou posted www.taufulou.com 674 ReviewsFood rating 7/10 , Consider pretty good for this neighbourhood!
Who’s Bryan
Bryan’s intention is to bring something fresh, good food and enjoyment to the Raja Uda area.
GourmetGarden posted www.gourmetgarden.com.my 196 ReviewsFor a place like this and with the price they charge it is considered quite reasonable, but food also plays an important role for our consideration
Coffee Venture
Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 ReviewsNo, not that they proffer an outstanding menu but we thought their interior decor was somewhat impressive- homey and comfy setting, in shades of wooden beam. If you are lucky, you might get to sit on the comfortable couches, enjoying your plate of hearty brunch and sipping on their freshly brewed cup of Joe.
83 Cafe
WillyWah posted www.lonelyclass.com 203 Reviews对我个人而言,这里虽没有特别美丽的装潢,一切显得朴实平淡,那一道道简单但味道十足的美食才是这里的主角。
Pik Nik Everyday
Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 ReviewsThe new sister cafe- Pik Nik Everyday serves the exact menu as Pik Nik but it has a more playful and chic interior decor; evidently seen from the school bus and classroom elements in the cafe- flimsy classroom chair, colorful unsystematic drawing on the wall, ragged plastic trophy... attempt to evoke memories in elementary school or junior high school. Within the fun and lively environment, diners can feast upon their signature savory and sweet Waffles as well as their range of refreshing drinks. A place that I'd visit for novelty.
The Alley
noweating posted www.noweating.com 370 ReviewsAs a whole, The Alley at Raja Uda is a cafe worth visiting for its environment more than the food itself.
De Nice Coffee
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews除了今天品尝的这款蛋糕之外,其他的甜品也满吸引人的,包括柠檬塔、士多啤梨塔等等,不失为一个适合三五好友相聚的场所之一。
The Classroom Cafe
Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 ReviewsThe gimmick is there but the menu has nothing interesting but some localized Western food as well as some snacks. Good for novelty sake but they need to come out with a more sturdy menu to retain the customers.
爱骑车咖啡馆 LP MTB Station
sunflower posted sunflowerfarm84.blogspot.com 280 Reviews这一次的泡咖啡馆,基本上感觉很不错。很喜欢每一次大口大口呼吸的时候飘进体内的浓浓咖啡香,然后静静地享受着这一个悠闲的空间。
Apollow Coffee House (阿波罗饮食中心)
Kenhuntsfood posted www.kenhuntfood.com 780 ReviewsApollow Coffee House, a humble Hawker-Coffee House tucked within the market, has a couple of worth-trying dishes.
By The Sea Lifestyle Store 沿海地带生活馆
Sophie Tay posted deliciousfoodies.blogspot.com 69 Reviews光听名字就有一种很悠闲的fu,所以乘着有机会就去尝尝。