Chinese Restaurants in Penang – 1235 Restaurants
小陈故事 Chin Boutique Cafe
sunflower posted 280 Reviews不得不提的是,除了娘惹菜色,小陈故事也提供西餐三文治意大利面咖啡等等的食物饮料。不如有空的时候,过来听听老唱片机如何带你缅怀过去吧。
五层楼美食阁 Restaurant Lima Tingkat
sunflower posted 280 Reviews这一餐的晚餐,很简单,却充满了浓浓的家乡味。
WillyWah posted 203 Reviews值得一提的是食物价格便宜,从RM5起跳。
Gaik Lean‘s Old School Eatery
WillyWah posted 203 Reviews由于今天只是带香港朋友来品尝美食,因此没有特地记录价格,这一顿饭总共花了大约RM70,价格就和平日娘惹餐厅吃的不分上下,值得大家去试一试。
Kuey Teow Th'ng 椰脚粿条汤
ojsiew posted 633 ReviewsIt was truly delicious!
Tiger Koay Teow Th'ng 亞虎粿條湯
applefish posted 192 Reviews粿条微辣,喜欢吃辣的朋友可以特别交待加辣,觉得韭菜如果放更多的话,炒粿条会更香,所幸这里的大虾还真的很鲜又弹牙。
Goh Chew Coffee Shop
enqvist posted 222 ReviewsPrice is not cheap, if you ordered separate with prawn it can easily cost RM50 for 3 persons.
Hock Seng Rojak (Rojak King)
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsHock Seng's is famous of its thick, rich, sweet and gooey Rojak paste as well as the complementary condiments- Dried Shrimps and toasted Peanuts. Having tasted their Rojak, I did not think it was that great and definitely not good enough to "wow" me.
Chan Kok Ming Seafood Char Kuih Kak Stall
taufulou posted 674 ReviewsThis would be another stall that is well known to many locals and if you want some good food, here is one of a recommended area.
Xin He Coffee Shop
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsXin He Cafe's Duck Meat Koay Teow Th'ng (Rm 3 for small, Rm 4 for large) comes in a clear broth which was lightly seasoned, it was light and easy on the palate. No, not that broth did not register any flavors at all but it carries a very mild meaty flavor as compared to others.
Koay Teow Th'ng
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsIn spite that the place serves Koay Teow Th'ng only but the prices are certainly very wallet-friendly.
Hsin Chu Garden Food & Beverages
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsThe place is famous for its pick-your-own-ingredients Fish Head Bee Hoon; in other words, you may choose your preferred ingredients from the display counter and have them added onto your bowl of seafood goodies.

Xiang Yun Vegetarian Hut (香云素食坊)
Kenhuntsfood posted 780 ReviewsDespite their menu is simple and may have limited choices for some, but the restaurant deserves more recognition for promoting healthy diet at very affordable prices.
Batu Lanchang Beef Koay Teow Soup
posted www.applefish.net端上桌的牛肉粿条汤,汤底清澈,配料有牛肉片、牛肚、牛筋、牛肉丸和豆芽。牛肉粿条汤上撒满了芹菜和炒蒜。 不说不知,他们家的牛肉丸可是自家自制的呢。手工牛肉丸很弹牙,汤头清甜,加上牛肉片和粿条一起吃,味道果然独特,将牛肉片沾上他们家的辣椒酱吃,火辣的辣椒酱肯定让你又爱又恨。
mytold posted 60 ReviewsHe specialises in the western food, as for the case of Danny's, it's the burgers, wraps and burritos.