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Rick's Cafe Casablanca
The Western Cafe with Marvelous Accent. The most recent outlet to grace One Bangsar,Rick’s Café Casablanca is simply the perfect spot to indulge your appetite for Moroccan influenced western cuisine. This cafe's name was inspired by the movie, Casablanca... Wikipedia describes Rick Blaine (Humphrey... Bogart) as a bitter, cynical American expatriate in Casablanca. He owns and runs "Rick's Café Américain", an upscale nightclub and gambling den that attracts a mixed clientèle of Vichy French and Nazi officials, refugees and thieves. Although Rick professes to be neutral in all matters, it is later revealed that he had run guns to Ethiopia to combat the 1935 Italian invasion, and fought on the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War against Francisco Franco's Nationalists. read more
Rick's Cafe
fatboybakes posted 17 years ago fatboyrecipes.blogspot.com 252 Reviews
Oriental Pavilion
The restaurant, part of the Oriental Chain (Ming Room, Noble House, Oriental, etc), is adequately ID-ed, not over the top, but still, it is basically a Chinese restaurant. The food however, is fairly consistent with their other outlets, which is usually of an acceptable standard.
Having Dim Sum With A Bottomless Pit
fatboybakes posted 16 years ago fatboyrecipes.blogspot.com 252 Reviews
Isthmus KL
ISTHMUS, and is affiliated to that chain of restaurants in Melbourne, Isthmus of Kra, Monsoon and Madam Fang. (ie, one of the owners owns or used to own those restaurants). I hear their trademark baked oysters in terra cotta plates will be featured here as well.
Isthmust, IS MUST.
fatboybakes posted 17 years ago fatboyrecipes.blogspot.com 252 Reviews