Dae Jang Geum Korean Restaurant

Cuisines Korean

Overall Rating: 7.5/10. Bypassing the unhappy server, I had a decent meal. The dishes that I sampled was delicious - the barbecued beef was scrumptious (missed the picture for this one), the kimchi soup fantastic and the banchan selection superb.

spicysharon posted www.spicysharon.com 315 Reviews

Restoran Tien Kee (田记)

Cuisines Chinese

Kafe Ipoh Kopitiam

Cuisines Local Halal
Business Hour 8.00am to 9pm (Mon - Fri), 8.00am to 8.00pm (Sat), Sunday Off

The special thing about this restaurant is the boss is a chinese lady and the workers are 100% Malays.

Wan Hou Seafood Steamboat

Cuisines Steamboat

Soup wise it was a little bit light but once you add in all the stuff it tastes nice and not too peppery for my liking.

neko1712 posted neko-no-hime.blogspot.com 145 Reviews